Chapter 40: Helping Draco

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"Tell me he promised not to tell anyone".

Kimberly stormed into Dumbledore's office. She wanted to know if he had to hide it from her or if he did it willingly. "You knew about the Unbreakable Vow, didn't you Albus", Kimberly questioned. "I did yes", he answered calmly. "Then why did the both of you keep it from me. Did he had to hide it? And why do, you of all people, have to die? You're not letting Malfoy murder you, right?", she asked trying not to sound as desperate. "As for the murder-part, no, Draco will not kill me. As for the other part, I believe Severus didn't exactly know what to do, you know. He has been alone for a very long time, and it is indeed hard for him to accept that someone is there for him. Severus needs you. The Unbreakable Vow didn't affect you, right? It had nothing to do with you", Albus asked me. I thought for a second. "It had everything to do with me. What if he breaks it? What if he can't fulfill the promise he made, whatever the promise consisted of? What am I supposed to do then, riddle me that", I snapped back. "Deep down you know, he is only trying to fix his past mistakes. He doesn't want to live with all the guilt anymore".

Those words were stuck in my head now. I knew Dumbledore was right, but I couldn't help but feel betrayed by him. He could have at least told me. I couldn't have changed it anyway but I just want to be included by him. I thought that we were a team. I thought that he would finally trust me, especially with things like this. I still didn't understand why he didn't tell me. Obviously I would have been extremely mad at him, but I couldn't have changed it anyway.

"You know, Kimberly, I must admit that I am actually proud of how long your relationship survived with Severus. I have never seen someone as stubborn and strong as you. So, let me give you a little advice, only if I may of course", and I nodded. It couldn't get any worse anyway, I thought. He had already interfered in our relationship. One more advice couldn't really change my mind about our present problem. "Distance is always the answer to all problems in a relationship. It will either bring you back and show how much you need each other, or it will break you and show you you're much better of without them. Distance should make us appreciate the days that we are able to spend together".

"I have one last question", and he nodded his head for me to continue. "Draco has to murder you. If you die, then how am I supposed to protect Severus". He smiled shortly and left me in his office. Only three minutes later did he return with a vial. "If something should happen to him. Give him this" and with that he ushered me to leave. I had no idea what it contained, but for once in my life I guess I had no chance but to trust Dumbledore on this.

"Oh, and Kimberly, one last thing, don't be too hard on Severus", and with that the door shut automatically. For a few moments I kept standing behind his door. "Don't be too hard on him", I mumbled to myself. What does that even mean? Yes, I know it hasn't been easy for Severus to live with his past mistakes but by hiding the truth from me, isn't going to help his past mistakes. I shook my head. I have to deal with him later, I thought. For now, Draco is my priority. I need to speak to him. I, somehow, need to convince him that he doesn't have to do this all by himself.

I let one of the Slytherin prefects know that I was looking for Malfoy and that he was to let him know immediately to come down to my office. After fifteen minutes, he finally showed up. He knocked at my door and when I sad 'Enter', he came in. "Have a seat Malfoy", and he took his seat in front of me. "You wanted to see me, Professor". I slowly nodded. "How do you intend to solve your mission given by the dark Lord", I asked him. I thought, why should we play around the topic if I can just ask so myself. "How... how do you know?", he asked shyly. "Well, it wasn't that hard. Your mother asked me for help to protect you. She is worried Draco. She wants you to still be alive when this is over, so pray tell, what's your plan".

"I don't want your help", he exclaimed angrily. I angrily rose from my seat. My hands were now on the table, preventing me from actually beating some sense into him. "It doesn't matter if you want it or not. You need at least one of us. Doesn't have to be me, but then you need to accept the help Snape wants to give you. What's your plan then? Want to kill him all by yourself? You do realize about whom we're talking about here Draco. We're not talking about a kindergarten child, we're talking about one of the most powerful wizards of our time", I angrily explained to him. After I was done, he didn't seem impressed by my little speech. He had a cold look in his eyes and gave me an 'I don't care 'vibe. I was honestly a little bit shocked by his behavior. You don't plan on killing a human being every day, not to mention an extremely powerful wizard.

He left without another word and for a minute, I did believe that all hope was lost for him. Suddenly, he did remind me of Severus a bit, the only difference, not one, but two teachers are trying to help him out of a miserable situation.

Draco Malfoy wasn't seen in the castle much after what had happened on Slughorn's Christmas party and Kimberly worried about him.

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