Chapter 6: Kiss me and I'm yours

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We both laid in the grass in silence. We both looked at the stars. He started to mumble some words and my clothes were dry again. "Thank you. Not only for the spell, but you saved my life". I sat up and looked at him, only then I saw that he was holding his hand on his stomach, and it seemed like he was putting more pressure on it. "Wait, are you hurt? Let me see", I told him. He didn't movie his hand. "That wasn't a question Severus". I removed his hand. Because it was dark I couldn't really see anything so I mumbled "Lumos". Only then I saw how much blood there was. It was a deep cut. "Oh my god, what happened. Hold on. I can fix this". "I can take care of myself", he replied. "I don't give a damn Severus, there's not enough time". He tried to get up, but I pushed him back down. He groaned because of the pain. I casted a nonverbal spell and the wound closed itself. I sighed. I looked at him. A few of his hairs were in his face and it looked quite cute. I just sat there looking at him for a moment. I leaned over him and pulled some of his hair out of his face.

Then again, I looked into his eyes. I studied his face closely. I looked down to his nose, then his lips. He did the same thing. We got closer and I could feel his warm breath on my face. "Your chance", I whispered. "Kiss me and I'm yours". I felt his hands on my waist and he pulled me close to him. I was laying on top of him now. Our lips were only an inch apart. We both closed our eyes, and I felt his warm, soft lips on mine. What started out as an innocent kiss, turned out to be an extremely passionate one. I cupped his face with my hands and we both tried to pull each other closer, even though I was sure we were as close as we could get.

After a while we pulled away, but didn't let go of each other. We both breathed heavily but smiled. He didn't say anything, nor did I. We both enjoyed the silence for a moment, the smile never left his face. I wanted this moment to last forever. I have never seen him so happy. "I still think you're insane", he whispered. "Yes well, you have to live with that, I think I've never felt more alive", I smiled. He chuckled. I placed another kiss on his lips. After a while we got up. I put my hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands around my waist. "So, what are we doing now", I asked. "I think that we should talk this through", he answered. I nodded but in the back of my head I thought he's gonna tell me that this was a mistake and that it would never happen again. We went to his chambers, and he mumbled the password, so I couldn't hear. We entered and both sat down on the couch. He sat on the one end and I on the other. This is literally ridiculous. We're not 15 years old anymore.

Silence. I didn't want to start. He wanted to talk, so he should start. If he wants to end it, well it hasn't even really started, but if he doesn't want to continue he should have just said it in the first place. Still silence. I was getting tired of this. Patience is not one of my strengths to be exact. "If you don't want me Severus or regret kissing me then that's fine but please just say it and spare me the embarrassment", I stated. He looked at me, sadness was written all over his face. "It's not that", he mumbled. "Do you have any idea what you're getting into?", he asked firmly. "I have a strong imagination, but enlighten me, if you wish".

"First of all, I am almost a decade older than you", he stated. "9 years to be exact, but in my opinion, love knows no age and you can't expect me to believe that a 9-year difference is a lot", I said in a smart way. "You know what people are saying about me?", he asked. "Yes Severus, I've heard it all and I should care why? I don't share their opinions, at least not all of them?". "You do realize what I look like? I have a mirror and I am capable of using it, you know". "You believe that you're a monster because of what you've done or had to do. I see something in you, I can't really explain but I think you're the most handsome man, I've ever met". He continued with his questions. I answered every single one of them. But I felt anger bubbling in my body, just waiting for the final explosion. "Do you have any idea what I might have to do, when the Dark Lords returns?", he asked calmly.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ