Chapter 13: Lucius Malfoy's visit and Valentines Day

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The thing is, even though everything is fine between Severus and Kimberly now, Draco of course ran right to his head of house and complained about his "unfair treatment". Severus wanted to ask Kimberly about it, but once he saw her in her chambers and she hugged him, he knew this wasn't the right time to talk about it. He was a bit furious with her for taking points from his house, but he also knew that Draco probably deserved it, whatever he did. When Draco found out that Severus did nothing, he of course contacted his father and whined about it. Since he did not apologize to Miss Granger, nor thought about how his behavior had to change, he didn't attend Kimberly's class.

Today is the 11th of January and a Monday. Today they had to teach their students again. The whole day went great. When Kimberly dismissed her last class, she sat down at her desk and started grading essays. She was so focused on her work, she didn't notice a man standing in her door. He knocked at the open door and broke Kimberly's concentration. When she looked up, she saw a tall man with long blonde hair. He was wearing dark clothes and in his hand was a cane. If she didn't know any better, she'd assume that the man standing in her classroom was related to Draco Malfoy because he had that same blonde hair. "Excuse me to interrupt Professor". He said "Professor" with a hint of disgust in his tone. "Are you Kimberly Knight? Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor?", he asked raising a brow. "I am indeed. Mister Malfoy, what can I do for you", I asked politely. He walked into my classroom and was standing in front of me now. "My son told me he has been suspended from your classroom", he said slightly angry. "Well Mister Malfoy that is not quite correct. See, I told your son that if he changes his behavior in MY classroom for the better, I will gladly teach him again, but so far he hasn't made any effort to change", I explained to him. "I am a powerful man Miss Knight, my son hasn't done anything wrong", he stated proudly. "That may be your own opinion but harassing another student in my own classroom will hardly be tolerated by me. I told him to apologize, and he never made an attempt to do so. If I were you, I'd teach my son some manners.", I said with a smirk on my face. You could see anger boiling inside him, but it quickly faded away. "Well, maybe a beautiful woman such as yourself can overlook the small mistake my son has made. Maybe there is something I can do for you? Oh, and call me Lucious sweetheart". While he was talking, he stroked my arm gently.

Again, I didn't notice another man standing at my door. "Now that you've mentioned it Lucious. There is indeed something you can do for me". I smiled sweetly at him, and he returned the smile, but my emotions changed quickly as well, and I raised my voice. "First of all, never touch me again. Second go and teach your son some manners". He took a few steps back, surprised by my sudden change of emotion. He drew his wand. "You dare talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?", he raised his voice as well. "I know very well who you are and whom you work for. Do I look like I care?", I said calmly. "Oh, and must I remind you that you are on school property and are about to attack a teacher. If I, were you, I'd place my wand back in its holster". He seemed to be even angrier than before. He pointed his wand at me and was about to cast a spell when I snapped my fingers, and his wand flew across my classroom. He looked shocked. "How... How on earth did you do that", he exclaimed. Suddenly the man I didn't notice yet spoke. "Lucius", said a deep velvet voice and I immediately knew that it was Severus. He turned his head into Severus direction. "Dumbledore is expecting you", he said calmly and annoyed. Lucius left with a disgusting sneer on his face and turned fast on his heels. When he was out of sight, Severus stepped inside my classroom, closed the door and put a charm over it so no one could hear us. "Are you completely mad?", he asked. I was confused and furrowed my brows. "What? What do you mean?", I asked. "You know what he is and still you decided to use wandless and nonverbal magic? You do realize that not everyone can do that? Only few witches and wizards can do that", he explained angrily. He buried his face in his hands. I knew where he was going with this. I rushed towards him and embraced him in a tight hug. I made him look at me and cupped his face with my hands. "Severus, nothing is going to happen to me. You know very well that I am capable of defending myself as you just saw". "I know... it's just... I'm worried. I can't lose you. Not now, not ever", he said. My heart melted right there and then. My lips found his immediately and I was melting in his arms.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang