Chapter 16: The truth always comes to light

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"Well... Remus likes a certain woman and I have promised him that I would help him, he really likes her and is afraid to mess it up", I explained.

Kimberly was sitting on her couch with Severus in her chambers. After the night passed, Poppy allowed her to return to her chambers and rest for the entire Sunday. She was supposed to take it easy, and she was excused from teaching the entire week. Severus was already waiting for her in her chambers and didn't let go of her the entire time he was there. The pair was talking about how Remus found out about their relationship. "That's not quite what I meant", he demanded. "Well... we were talking and I didn't tell him, but I guess he figured it out when he saw how I talked about you and how disappointed I was when you didn't answer my letter", I said with a squeaky voice. "You trust him?", Severus asked. "Absolutely I do", I replied. Severus relaxed a bit. He certainly didn't trust Remus, but he saved her life and Kimberly trusts him, so he decided to at least give it a try.

Her head was resting on his shoulders. "You know when I saw you, lying there in the hospital bed, I thought I was gonna loose you", he admitted in a whisper. I looked up and he was fighting not to let tears fall down his cheeks. I sat up straight and cupped his face with my hands. "I am so sorry darling, I have no idea what that must've been like for you", I kissed his lips gently. "Just promise me something", he whispered. "Anything", I replied. "I never want to see you in a hospital bed like this ever again". I smiled at him. "I will try my best" and caressed his cheek with my hand.

After cuddling for what seemed like a few hours, Severus spoke up again. "So, who are you gonna choose to substitute for you this week", he asked with a hint of hope in his voice. Minerva informed me that, since I can't return to teaching quite yet, I can choose someone to substitute for me. I knew he wanted me to choose him. "If it's not too much to ask, I would like you to substitute me", I said honestly. I know that he has a passion for the dark arts, and he would love to teach it, so why not give him the satisfaction for at least a week. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "That's my girl", he said. This was music for my ears. We enjoyed the silence and found comfort in each other's arms. After a while he had to leave since tomorrow, he had to go back to teaching. It was already 10 pm, when I heard a knock on my door. I wondered because I didn't expect any other visits today and certainly none at this hour. When I opened the door, an old wizard with a long, white beard was standing in front of me. "Professor Dumbledore, what can I do for you at this hour?", I asked politely. "There is something I have to discuss with you. May I come inside?". I nodded and stepped away, making room for him to enter. We sat down and I offered tea, but he declined.

"Since you're supposed to rest for this upcoming week, someone needs to substitute your classes, if I am not mistaken. Any ideas so far?" he winked. "Yes, I have been thinking about that too and I would like Severus to substitute my classes", I offered. His emotions changed and he didn't look as relaxed as before. "Well, Kimberly, I'm afraid Severus already has enough tasks and I do not wish to stress more out than he has to be. I believe Professor Moody would be an excellent choice and since his hands aren't full right now, I believe he would be the better choice. Yes, yes indeed. Oh, before I forget, when you are feeling better, we need to have another little chat in my office.", he said gleefully. He got up, thanked me, and left. Damn. I know who is not going to be happy about this.

I didn't want Moody teaching my classes. He freaks me out and somehow, I cannot imagine him as a Herbology teacher. He seems weird, I mean, I am sure he has seen things nobody should ever have to see and half of Azkaban's prisoners are there because of him, but there is something very odd about him that I just can't quite put my finger to it. Of course, I have never met Mad Eye Moody before, so I don't know what he is really like, but I was already curious as to why he wasn't attending any Order meetings. I mean, he is still a member, isn't he?

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