Chapter 38: New school year

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When Severus opened his eyes, he found himself in his own bed. He furrowed his brows, confused for a second how he got here. He remembered falling asleep on the couch. He looked to his side and there she was, sleeping peacefully. She must have put him here with magic. Yes, that was the only logical explanation. The sun was partly shining inside the room. He looked at her sleeping figure for a while longer until he decided to kiss her awake. He slowly moved towards her, his hand stroking her shoulder first, then going down further. His face came closer to hers and he gently placed a few kisses on her cheek. She stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "It's way to early", she mumbled and put the covers over her head. Severus chuckled at her behavior. He gently grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer towards him. He placed a loving kiss on her bare shoulder. "I know my love, but guess who is returning to school today", he whispered with a low voice. She groaned. "Ugh, I guess we do. Why can't we just stay in here all day and never leave", she suggested playfully. "Well, it sounds like a lovely suggestion, but you know we have duties to return to. Besides, this school year won't be like any other and I am afraid not in a good way", he explained. She groaned again. "You know, I am truly tired of this crap. All I want is to live my life in peace with you. Is that too much to ask", she grunted. "No, it isn't. And I can promise you that I feel the same way", he explained to her lovingly. His hands gently brushed up and down her arm. She turned around to look at him. She stroked his face lovingly. "I just wish that we could have more moments like this", she looked up at him with sad eyes. She came closer, as did he, and they kissed each other tenderly. After they broke the kiss, Kimberly had to ask another question. "How do you do it?", she wanted, no, she needed to know.

He needed to think. He didn't have exactly the perfect answer to it. It wasn't an easy question to answer anyway. "I honestly don't have an answer for you. Let's just not talk about this now. I just want to save every moment I have with you, until those ungrateful brats are acting like they own the castle enter once again", she sneered. I couldn't deny a small smile cross my lips. "Severus. They are children and our students. You can't talk about them badly", and I smacked a pillow across is face, playfully of course. He acted hurt, but as I've said he only acted that way. He held his chin up, showing me how much I have "hurt" him. "Oh, come on, don't be like that", but he wouldn't budge. "You won't deny me a kiss, will you? On our last day together?", I looked up at him with my big puppy eyes. I shrugged purposely with my shoulders. "Alright then, I guess I'll just get up and retrieve to my own chambers then", a smirk on my face and just as I was about to move, his hands grabbed my arms, pulling me down on the bed and now he towered over me. "You're not going anywhere my love", he purred. "I guess my plan worked out just fine then", I gave him a sexy smirk. "You can only leave when I am done with you", and just as I was about to answer, he kissed me passionately. I melted into that kiss, and I just wanted live in this moment. The only thing I didn't notice during our kiss was that he was actually looking for a pillow to throw at me and he knocked it right across my face. I had to laugh so hard, it almost hurt, but I just couldn't let him get away with it.

In conclusion, we got into a huge pillar fight, and I don't believe I am even admitting it, but Severus clearly won. We were still laying in bed, when he stroked my cheek gently and gave me a tender but passionate kiss. "What was that for?", I asked. "You wanted a kiss, did you not?", he replied. I smiled and nodded. His hands roamed your body, and his lips met your collarbone, leaving sloppy kisses over the warm skin. He didn't wait for a second before he pulled the t-shirt over your head. You let out a high-pitched gasp when his mouth attacked your breasts. His eager hands moved down to your pajama pants, pulling them down in a swift movement. When your eyes met his, you felt the pool which was beginning to grow between your legs deepen. You somehow managed to pull down his sleeping pants. "So very eager for me are you, yes?", he questioned as he let out a small moan when you stroked his cock gently. You removed his underwear painfully slow, causing Severus to grunt in response. "Who's eager now, my love?", I replied back playfully.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant