Chapter 17: Professor Moody

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Severus and I haven't talked since our first fight. The next morning, I received a note from him saying that he needs time to think and that we will not meet in the Room of Requirement. I felt extremely bad about what I've said. I wonder if he feels the same.

I have been trying to convince Dumbledore to tell me what the goddamn prophecy is about and last night he finally gave in and told me everything. I was so confused. "But sir, how does the prophecy apply to me? I am not a pureblooded witch. My mother was a witch, but my father is a muggle", I explained. "That part remains unclear for now. Who else could it be? You are the only witch known to me with these powers. I don't have any other explanation for it", he said calmy. "But if it really is me than that would mean that my parents aren't my biological ones", I exclaimed shocked, and Dumbledore could only nod. "If Voldemort finds out what powers you possess, he will likely kill you, or force you to his side". I shook my head. "I would never willingly join him". "I know that Kimberly, but everyone has weaknesses and if he finds yours, you might not have a choice in the matter", he explained. "I said, I'd never do it willingly, I never said I wouldn't do it. I'd do it in a heartbeat for him if that means I can save his life", I stated extremely sure of myself. "Even though he has lied to you?", he asked interested. "It doesn't matter. We both said some hurtful things to each other and yes, we are currently not on speaking terms but that doesn't mean that I don't love him because I love him more than anything in this world. I would do anything for him", I said.

He nodded once again. "Love is a beautiful thing isn't it?", he asked. "Not if someone tries to sabotage it. I know what you did Albus. I know you "accidentally" told me about the prophecy when you knew that Severus hadn't done that yet. You wanted us to fight because you don't want us to be together", I accused him. "Sometimes you're too smart for your own good. But you are not wrong. I do believe that you are meant for each other, just not right now. Severus is torn between you and Harry. I know he wouldn't know who to save first if something should happen to either of you. I need him alive, and I need him focused", he simply explained. "You don't even care for him, do you? You don't care if he makes it out alive or not. He is only a player on your chess board, isn't he?".

"I do care for Severus, if you believe it or not but he agreed to do it and Severus is no coward". "He wouldn't be a coward if he said no. You made him do this. You should have helped James and Lily relentless of what Severus had told and asked of you. They were important members of the Order and you only agreed to help them because Severus promised to save Harry Potter and turn spy for you", I spat. "It is what it is, and it cannot be changed now", he said.

I could not believe this. But I knew that there was no point in arguing anymore. He knew I wouldn't tell a single soul. "Now that you know about the prophecy, you need to continue to learn how to control your powers and I know the perfect man to help you", he exclaimed happily. "I don't think so Albus. I don't want to learn unless it is with Severus", I stated. He seemed shocked. "But he lied to you?", he asked again. "And again, I'm telling you it doesn't matter. I know him and he knows me. I'm afraid I won't be able to stop without him", I said truthfully. It really is true. The only thing that always stopped me from hurting him badly, was knowing that the man in front of me is the most important man in my life. "I'm afraid Severus is rather... busy. Instead, Alastor will help you until the end of the school year", he explained. "Since today is Sunday, you can start right away, and he will be awaiting you in his classroom". Great. The man who traumatized my students is supposed to help me now, perfect just perfect. I tried to argue but I knew there was no use. He already made up his mind and I left pretty angry. I slammed the door shut. I couldn't believe that Severus really is so busy that he can't even help me. Before our fight I could have sworn he would have done anything to help me, now I wasn't sure if he really was that busy or if Dumbledore just made it up.

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