Chapter 21: A new school year begins

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The week passed way too fast. Severus and I used every spare minute we had to spent time with each other, because we knew, once school starts again, we wouldn't have that much time together. School would start again tomorrow, which is why I was so surprised as to why Dumbledore summoned me in his office.

"Have a seat", he said and so I did. "Have you heard about Harry's trial?", he asked me. "Yes, Sirius explained it all to me in a letter", I answered. "Well, Cornelius Fudge still won't believe us about Lord Voldemort and one could say as punishment, he is sending one of his coworkers, to investigate our situation", he simply said. "Alright and has that anything to do with me or is there another reason as to why you're telling me all this", I asked. "As a matter of fact, yes, there is a reason. The ministry is sending Dolores Umbridge as the new Defense against the dark Arts teacher".

"Excuse me? You want to tell me that some inexperience idiot is just gonna take over my classes? I'm sorry Albus but you know as well as I do that, I am more than qualified for this job. Are seriously just gonna let her take my job?". I was mad. Like really mad. How dare the ministry just sent some idiot down here. Don't they have enough to do with all the people disappearing again? Apparently not, I thought. "If you're up for that you could teach our muggle subject. Professor Burbage would like to take the year off and spent some time with her grandchildren. I am sure you know enough about the muggle world to teach the subject, since you lived with one", he said and winked at me.

The only thing I could do was to agree to it. I wanted to stay here, first of all because of Severus and second because I had no place to go. As I was just about to leave, he spoke again. "Oh, and Kimberly, before I forget. Since you're teaching another subject, you will get a different room. Your classroom is on the third floor, where your office and chamber will be as well. Your things are already there, and you will have to use a new password as well. I expect to see you then at the feast tomorrow".

Oh great, I thought. Now our chambers weren't that close anymore. I guess it will get even more difficult with seeing each other. Not exactly what I need but I couldn't do anything about it.

When I told Severus he didn't seem to be too affected about it, even though I know he is sad about not being that close to me anymore. How do I know? When he's nervous he starts tapping one of his feet.

We decided not to spend the night together, as I had to start new lesson plans now. I had to prepare my classes for every year, except the sixth and seventh years. Apparently, none of them chose the subject, but I thought that that will change when they find out that I am teaching that subject. Even though I am a strict teacher, the students like me. They recognize a good teacher when they see one. I try to take care of every single student of mine, which shows. I remember when I helped Mr. Longbottom and since then, the students showed no fear of coming to me when they had a problem. Sometimes it was all too much, but I still love just the same.

The night passed faster than anticipated and I worked all day on my lesson plans. It was hard, since I have not involved myself with this subject in a long time. It was always clear for me that I wanted to live in this world, so I had no particular reason to actually pay attention in the muggle world. I completely forgot the time until someone knocked at my door and opened it. I didn't even look up because I was too focused on my work. "Hey, the feast is about to start". I looked up and saw Severus standing in my new living room. "Oh... ehm. I completely forgot the time. I am so busy with my work. I don't even know where to start. Classes start tomorrow and I am nowhere close to finishing my lesson plans", I sighed.

"Well, I am sorry, but we do have to go now, otherwise we will be late. How about I will help you with your lesson plans after the feast?". I grinned from ear to ear and together we walked to the Great Hall, with a safe distance between us though. We both took our seats. I sat next to Minerva and Professor Flitwick and Severus sat next to Minerva and Dolores Umbridge, I guess. The older students started taking their seat and we all were waiting anxiously for the first years to enter the hall and finally get sorted.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें