Chapter 1: Finding A Home! The Start of a Long Journey

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No one's POV

The group of four began making their way home early in the morning. They made sure to take the quickest yet safest routs back home as they each took turns carrying the child. The young husband held the boy the least as he had to make sure the group was safe from any Grimm. After several hours of walking, the group made it out of the forest. They were walking on a dirt path that lead back to their village. Luckily they rarely ran into Grimm as the child slept. And as they walked, the group all agreed that it would be best if the chief helped decide what to do with the child.

They soon made it back to the village. The village wasn't that big. It had a small population of three thousand people in it. The houses were small as the walls were made up of clay and the roofs were made out of bricks. The village included canals, stores, a marketplace, and a large cherry blossom tree at the center.

 The village included canals, stores, a marketplace, and a large cherry blossom tree at the center

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As the four kept walking, the other villagers noticed the child in the young woman's arms. Everyone knew each other pretty well and knew the family never had a child before. So seeing the child in her arms was strange and surprising to them.

The young husband kept asking the other villagers if they knew where the chief was. Sadly no one knew. They haven't seen him all day.

After a few more minutes of walking, the group saw a good friend of theirs walking towards a shop. The young husband ran towards him as he waves and calls out his name, hoping to gain his attention.

"Li!" The young husband shouts towards the man.

"Huh?" The man turns towards the voice's direction, confused as he didn't expect the person to be back so soon. The man was tall, with black hair streaked with gray pulled back into a ponytail, a mustache, and a goatee. He wore a sleeveless green tailcoat over a long-sleeved white shirt, black pants tucked into open-toe sandals, a black sash with a single pouch and an archer's glove on his left hand.

 He wore a sleeveless green tailcoat over a long-sleeved white shirt, black pants tucked into open-toe sandals, a black sash with a single pouch and an archer's glove on his left hand

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"Damien?" The man, Li, asks as the other man named Damien stops running in front of him. The latter rests his hands on his knees as he pants. "Why are you here? I thought you and your family were out-?"

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