chapter 68: Reunion and sappy friendships

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He looked good. He looked better than good.

His eyes were the same shade she remembered,  but those blue-grey orbs that used to be full of north and hint naughtiness looked empty and sad now. If you looked closely you'll see worry lines at the side of his eyes and a ring around his mouth too.

The more she stared at him the more she wanted to cry,because her wish had been fulfilled; that he would be sad and miserable just as she was.

When they were apart, she had wished that he will be unhappy. That he will miss her as much as she did, that his heart will fill with longing so that he could understand the nights she cried when he didn't call.

Liz would fold up on the bed with her hands over her mouth, sometimes making a fist and biting down on it, so that she wouldn't wake up anyone with the sound of her tears and no one will pity her. Her heart will break with missing him and blaming herself for the million ways things could have gone differently. She would place her other hand over her  heart or stomach because both will be hurting and there was nothing she could do about it.

The more she looked she knew that he was almost as sad as her, almost as broken. Call that the soulmate bond or whatever, or perhaps it was because she was standing here, looking into her lovers eyes. She knew now that it hurt more that he was hurt.

She wished he was happy, that he had been happy. Free from the emotional turmoil she caused and  more like the proud, confident man she fell in love with. 

"Say something, say anything?" Liz spoke again, suddenly beginning to be so self conscious under his continued scrutiny.

Did he notice how fat she had become? Liz blamed it on all the pregnancy and depression junk food, or the fact that she was trying so hard to meet him here when she wasn't looking her best?

She looked tired, grumpy and nothing like the all put together woman she wanted to present to him.

"Are you here to finalize the divorce?" Jason asked with empty blue-grey eyes that you are not supposed to greet your pregnant lover with.

Liz felt her heart sink down to the bottom of her stomach. She was expecting him to say something like 'hi' or 'hello' or even 'you look like shit' not asking for the final end to their failed marriage.

"No." Liz answered, "No I'm not here to finalize the divorce."

Jason nodded his head at her, not knowing what else to say. He needed to leave, to go far away. The last three months apart all he wanted more than anything was to be somewhere she was, but now that she was here he couldn't bear to be in the same place as her.

"Is that all you're going to say to me?" Liz was near tears now.

"It's nice to see you again, Elizabeth. I..I...I have to go." Jason finally stammered out.

Liz stood there in a trance watching the love of her life walk away from her.

"Stupid stupid Jason" Liz swore and stabbed the green beans with the fork hard, imagining she was stabbing out his eyes.

She was eating green beans from the can cold and Pamela bored eyes stared at her through the screen of her Macbook.

"You know that green beans isn't Jason right?" Pamela asked, tired of trying to calm down the murderous wish of her pregnant best friend.

"He said it's nice to meet you Elizabeth. The idiot said,  'it's nice to meet you' can you believe that?" Liz screamed and shoved a batch full of cold green beans into her mouth.

"Is that thing you're eating even healthy?" Pamela asked instead rolling her eyes.

"Hello. Don't judge me," rolling her eyes back, "that is what baby pumpkin wants right now. Cold green beans."

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