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Hello dear readers,
thank you for your active reading of my story.
I cannot describe in words how happy I am that my story makes it into your reading list.
thank you for 2k.
Enjoy this chapter.

6 months passed quickly, faster than I would have thought, but I am happy to have survived this.
Six months without Lu, without her touch, her laughter or anything else.
Every now and then I've sent people to check on her, but that's not enough, is it?
Her figure haunts me into my sleep.
Even there, she fills my dark thoughts with hope.
I'm sure she thought it was easy to let go of her, but it wasn't .
I would certainly not have gone, if her life would not be at stake.
Maybe it was her laugh
Or the eyes
Or her smile
It could have been her hair
Her voice,
Or her  personality
Whatever it was about her, it made me fall in love so hard that I forget myself when she is with me, I forget all the problems
All tasks, my being, even the excruciating pain that plagues me since the day the current Mattheo Ramirez was born.

But over time I realize that she deserves better.
Oh would she hear that now, she would tell me for hours that this is not true and that we were made for each other. She would hold up to me what we've been through.
Of course she would.
That's why I love her so much, she would fight for everything that is important to her.
But I can't be selfish with her.
Even if it means that I have to let go of her to make her feel better, I'll do it.
I believe we're meant to be together, but it's just the wrong time.
I mean everyone will have someone they fall madly in love with, give up everything for them, and would  die for them,
But at some point you come back to reality and notice that the time does not fit.

Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships.
We meet the person of our dreams in the hardest time.
Some form a incredibly close friendship with someone who is already taken .
One relationship ends because this one person isn't ready to get serious and another ends because they're getting serious too soon.

What I had  with her, I will not have with anyone.

I never took it seriously when she told me ,to go to hell'
But now I know, Hell is ,to be love with Lu ,fall asleep and wake up without her in my arms.


"Back to work" Lorenzo appears next to me.
Lorenzo Blackwell, I met him when my father and his father were traveling and we had to do business.
We walk back down the corridor to the office.
"There you guys are, we were just about to discuss what to do about devlin." Says Midas and supports himself on the black table full of documents.
"Ace devlin? I thought he was no longer in business." I laugh and sit down in my leather armchair at the end of the table.
"He stole a container with cocaine from a business partner and is currently loading it onto his ship to Cuba," explains Lorenzo.
"That's why I'm in this filthy hole for six months? Then stop it at the border and that's it. For such a shit, I had to leave Lua- my home.
We would have done that in a week. What's your fucking problem? "
I pause briefly when I wanted to mention Luana, these idiots don't necessarily have to know about her. I know the game, I get out, they take  Lu as revenge.

"Mattheo if you have a problem nobody stops you, then go." Midas comes closer.
"I intended to go home safe and not be riddled with holes by your people." I nod him with a smile, however, which elicits a laugh from him.
"Then we have no problem." He nods and turns to the others.

I either just nod or mumble something, but I never listen.
I am with her in my thoughts. And only with her.

Luana POV
Seven months have passed since he left me.
For seven months I'm in his room day and night, smelling his clothes,
It's been seven months since Denitsa left me.
Every evening I eat with Meredith, on Sundays I spend my day at Denitsa's grave.
She didn't deserve it. She deserved a life she wished for.
A lovely childhood, a family, rich but not as it is.
She wanted to stay with Luciano, to have a relationship.
Romance but also danger.
Everyone here deserved the dead in some way,just not her.
My best friend, the girl who comforted me, laughed at me, laughed with me and went through everything with me, is dead.
I will not forget this day,  how Luciano rammed the dagger into her heart with joy.
I get out of bed in agony, his  scent slowly is fading .
As I work my way down the corridors and enter his office, something occurs to me.
His diary.
I run up to his table and search every possible drawer, closet,
And in the library between our favorite books.
On the way back with no more hope, I stop at a shelf out of intuition.
And there it is, a black book with his initials on it.

I sat in an armchair by the fireplace and turned the pages
He's written 912 pages, each page about us, since the day we met.

Page 545.

Nothing makes me more happy than waking up and seeing an angel next to me.
Her brown hair shimmers in the sunshine.
Her face is angelic, as if she couldn't harm anyone.
But she  is the darkness.
Another kind of darkness that brought her equal ,light into his life.
If I didn't know better, I know that we're alone inside.
Despite our being there, we are still alone.
It's not a secret that we have a difficult life
Not related to our relationship but to our families.
We have been surrounded by weapons and drugs from an early age.

If you come to read this Lu, it is for a reason.
We are separated, not in the way that you are in another room, but that you do not know if I am alive.
But I'll always find a way to get back to you Whether as a ghost or as Mattheo Ramirez, your love.
I will give everything that our children will not have this life.
At least they should have a good childhood.

I love you.

Tears leave my eyes and roll down my cheeks, they drip onto the page of the book and blur the word "I love you"

I would rather have no one with me now.
I will find him.
He's what fills me, I'll get him back at any cost.

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