"I-I can call Jimin here-"

He froze when Taehyung shook his head aggressively before perpetuating to sob, whimpers and cries passing his parted lips, face turning red.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks desperately, afraid that he said something wrong. He just wanted to bring Jimin here because nothing he did was calming the boy down.

Taehyung shook his head again, burying his face in his knees and continuing to cry.

Taehyung wanted to mindlink Hoseok to go check on his wounded bestfriend, but he couldn't calm the storm of thoughts in his mind down to do that.

He looked at Jungkook and says, "Hoseok h-hyung, Seokie hyung..."

Jungkook immediately understood that he wanted to talk to Hoseok, so he brought out his phone and dialled Hoseok's number before extending his arm towards Taehyung after hearing a ring.

He was ready to do anything to get the boy to stop wailing and calm down.

His hand stung when the bloodied cloth wrapped around it tighter. He bit back a hiss and waited for the omega to take the phone away so he could reduce the pain by bringing back his arm closer to his body.

Taehyung looked at his hand for a while-with fear evident in his eyes as he bit his lower lip. Jungkook sighed and placed it on the table. Taehyung immediately took it into his hand and placed it against his ear.


"Seokie hyung," Taehyung sobs and immediately heard shuffling from the other end.

"Tae?! You are alright now, right? I knew we would manage to---"

"Hyung, Jiminie..." Taehyung whimpered, cutting him off, clutching the shirt which he was wearing near his heart.

"What happened to him, Tae?" the alpha asks with a concerned voice.

"H-head alpha a-and his warriors b-beat him up," Taehyung sobbed, recollecting his Jimin's wrecked state. He couldn't forget about that scene-- Jimin on the floor, breathing heavily, bleeding and whispering his name while stretching his hand towards him.

Everything hurt so bad. All his nightmares-- his mom dying, Jimin getting hurt, Jungkook ill-treating him-- everything came true.

Could it get any worse?

He heard Hoseok and Jungkook gasp after hearing what he just said.

He looks up at Jungkook with disgust and hatred for a while before turning away and scoffing. Jungkook didn't notice the look that he shot him as he was still shocked at whatever Taehyung just said.

He really hadn't known that Jungho had beaten up Jimin. He didn't see any reason for his father to do that.

"Shit! That bastard- y-you don't worry, Tae. I'll go to his house and make sure he is alright," Hoseok stumbled over his words.

He heard Yoongi's groan, Hoseok whispering something to him before a beeping sound which indicated that the call had ended.

Taehyung placed the phone on the floor, not speaking a word. He had stopped crying now-- didn't have any more tears to shed. He felt as heavy and dejected as ever.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a while before Jungkook cursed under his breath as his rue got stronger.

He had come to his senses too late. If he had just let Hayoon stay at home and gone at once to Jimin's house, maybe he could've done something to lessen the problems they were facing now.

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