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Valencias POV

  You know my name
Not my story
You know what I've done
Not what I've been through.

  20 years later

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20 years later.

"Lorenzo!" I screamed for my 15 year old son.

"Why the hell is your dog in a fucking cupboard?"

"No need to yell ma! He wanted to go in there."

"Boy, tell me to calm down again i dare you. And he's a dog!" I said.

"Why's everyone yelling? I'm trying to do my homework." Luca said walking into the kitchen.

"Lorenzo decided to put the dog in the cupboard."

"How is he my twin" he sighed.

"Someone go get your brother for me"

"Ill go!" Marcello said running to the garden.

"Yes ma?" Leonardo asked.

"Hi honey, can you help with dinner please?" I asked.

"Not right now ma, I'm training."

"For gods sake. You are 20. I just wanted your help! Ok everyone out of the kitchen!" I said and my four sons ran out of the kitchen.

As i was making dinner i felt a pair of arms go around my waist.

"You look sexy mamas"

"carlos, I'm wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, i look basic."

"Still beautiful." He kissed the back of my head.

"How was work?" I asked whilst putting the spaghetti in the pan.

"It was alright, just a little stressful."

"Well good for you, I'm making your favourite." I smiled at him.

He smiled back.

Marcello came walking in. "Hi papa"

"hi Marcello, happy birthday, i  seriously can believe you are 17 already."

"Dad I'm almost an adult"

"i know little man."


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