The bitch is back

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Valencia's POV

You have to die a few times before you can truly live

I didn't have a thing against his parents, but they might against me

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I didn't have a thing against his parents, but they might against me.

They wanted us to get married as soon a they heard i was pregnant with Normandy, but i refused.

I was so young at the time. Also maybe the fact that i didn't invite them to Normandy's funeral.

I mean to be fair, his parents are absolutely lovely so I'm sure they wont hate me. But his sister is a different story.

I absolutely hate his sister. She is a stuck up snobby bitch and we just don't get along. To make things worst her name is Cleopatra. I mean could you get anymore entitled?

So to clear IT up me and cleo dont get along at all.

He has two brothers, and they are the absolute best.

His older brother is called Giorgio, he's the life of the party and he always thought of me as a younger sister.

His younger brother is so childish its actually funny. Francesco is the kindest you'll ever find.

His parents are absolute sweethearts. His mother, constance, is absolutely lovely and beautiful.

His father, Ambramo, thinks of me as a second daughter.

We pull up to his estate, i could never forget this place even if i wanted to.

When Alberto stopped the car carlos got out and made his way to my side to open my door.

"I'm not getting out" i hissed.

"Valencia" he warned. "What are you gonna do huh? Nothing because you a little pussy" i provoked.

And with my words he reached into the car and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the car.

"Get off of me you fucking bitch!" I screamed.

He just continued dragging me to the front door.

"No please i dont wanna see your bitch of a sister!" I pleaded.

"Too bad amore" he said before opening the front door.

Whilst i was still struggling in his grip i froze at the sound of a high pitched voice.

"Carlos! Look Jacob just proposed"
For fucks sake. Cleo.

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" She gasped

"surprise bitch" i sighed.

Behind her came in a man, 5'7 looked extremely American. Poor guy,

"Jacob you still have time to run if u wanna" i whispered to him

"Why on earth would i want to run? She's my whole world."

I think i just threw up in my mouth.

"Cleo! What is all this racket?" Constance spoke as she came to the hall way. She looked at me before running over and engulfing me in a hug.

"It's good to see you again honey"

"You too Constance" i smiled

"Please Valencia, you know better than to call me Constance, call me ma" she said with a smile which i gave back.

soon after ambramo came in and gave the the same welcoming constance did.

"What are you doing back?" Cleo growled.

"The Russians some how found out where i lived and set the place on fire. Everything went in the fire including family pictures, Normandy's room and 7 of my men". I fumed.

"Who would leak that sort of information?" Ambramo stuttered.

"We dont know yet, but until we found out I'm going to be staying here with Carlos."

After a few more minutes Carlos showed me to a guest room and i had a shower and went to pick an outfit.

"I kept all of your clothes. And it doesn't look like you've grown too much since you've been here." Carlos grinned.

"Thanks, i think?" I said whilst laughing.

I got out a black long sleeved top, a red tartan skirt, a pair of tights and a pair of black heeled ankle boots.

I made my way to the bathroom again where i put on mascara and lipgloss and straightened my hair.

I started making my way downstairs towards the kitchen where i heard everyone else was. As i walked in i was almost immediately tackled into a hug.

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