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Valencias POV

One day
The person who gave you so much memories
Will become a memory

 One dayThe person who gave you so much memories Will become a memory

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It's been a month.

A month of crying, sadness and depression.

And here i am. 11am, still lying in bed. Not being bothered to get up.

My rooms a state, I'm a state. I haven't even been able to shower. I havent worked out, and I've barley eaten. I haven't stepped out of this room in a month.

I take a deep breath.

Carlos said he's going out today for a long time. Everyday he's been checking on me, trying to get me up. But i dont want to.

I sit up and look around my bedroom. There's empty bottles of alcohol all over the floor, desk and nightstands.
Oh yeah, I've sorta developed an alcohol problem. Everyday i go through at least 8 bottles.

Today's the day I'm doing it.

I slowly get out of my bed being careful not to step on the bottles and make my way into my bathroom. I go through my cabinet grazing over the many bottles of pills. I take 5 bottles and lay them on the counter. I quickly run downstairs and get a whole bottle of white wine.

I run back upstairs and into my bathroom locking the door behind me.

I stare into the mirror for ages looking at my reflection. I keep hearing my phone buzz in my bedroom.

But I don't do anything anything about it.

I run the tap of the sink.

I sit on the floor with the bottle of wine in one hand and the pills in the other.

I down the first bottle of pills and wash it down with the wine. I do the second, wash it down. Third, wash it down, fourth, wash it down, fifth washing it down.

I lay my head against the cold wall. I wait and wait until i start drifting.

I hear someone shouting for me in my bedroom. And then someone vaguely banging on the door.
Im about to go, before i see a blurred man rush into the bathroom screaming.


I'm finally at peace

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