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Valencias POV

There's food at the house- mum

 Once Luca made it back home i got him to wait in the car

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Once Luca made it back home i got him to wait in the car. And ran upstairs to get out of this annoying ass dress.

I got dressed into a red suit matching a red laced top and ran back down stairs. I got back into Luca's car and drove to my warehouse. Once we got there i stepped out the car with Luca and walked inside together. Once we got inside i was met by ben, Neo, carlos, Giorgio and francesco.

"What are you planning on doing?" I ignored Francesco's question and continued walking towards the basement. "Valencia!" Giorgio called out as i kept walking with Luca.

"Valencia stop!" Carlos shouted grabbing my arm spinning me around earning a push from Luca.

"Don't ever touch her like that again, do you understand me?" He shouted at carlos. "I dont care if you are her boyfriend, you never touch her like that." He seethed.

"Luca its ok" i smiled at him pushing him back slightly. "Yes carlos?" I asked.

"What are you planning on doing?" He asked me. "Getting information and if she doesn't answer use a few methods." I said bluntly.

"You are not torturing my sister" he said. "I dont care what you want. I'm finally getting my revenge." I spoke through my teeth.

"She's ruined my life! She killed my brothers, my parents, my two daughters and burnt down my house, i dont care if you agree or not because you are in my warehouse now. So i suggest you back off because I'm really not in the mood for your bullshit right now."

He sighed as i turned around and went downstairs with Luca walking behind me.

Once i got downstairs i walked into a cell to see cleo sat down crying, her wedding dress was ripped and dirty, her makeup was a mess and her hair looked like a rats nest.
I got the guard to unlock it and walked inside.

I grabbed a chair and sat down on it.

"How you doing cleo?"
"Why do you care?"
"No need to be rude, in case you've forgotten your life is in my hands."
"Carlos would never let you kill me" she spat.
"I dont need his approval, I'm a grown woman. I dont need a mans approval."

"Now, i just need a few questions answered. If you answer them honestly i wont hurt you. All i need is information, sound good?" I smiled.
She stayed silent.
"Great! Let's start"

"So, what's your relationship with zemo and visha?"
"Me and visha were friends in university"
"Great start" i said smiling.

"Is that how you got in contact with zemo and the Russian mafia?"
"Yes, after i thought you killed Jayden i made a couple arrangements."
"The Russian mafia were after me because you were." I asked suspiciously.

"Ok, now where are they?" I asked
She stayed silent.

"Really dont wanna hurt you cleo" i said taking my gun out of my holster. I pointed it at her arm.
"Last chance cleo."
She stayed quiet again.
Cleo screamed bloody murder.
"Oh calm down! I only shot your arm!" I shouted.

"Looks like you're bleeding pretty bad, we don't have a lot of time cleo, answer the fucking question!" I shouted.

"Moscow! They have a mansion there! They live there." She screamed frantically.

"Thank you cleo. That wasn't so hard was it now." I said standing up.

"Get her cleaned up and stitches" i said to the guard. He nodded his head and went inside. When i turned around i was greeted by Carlos, Neo, ben, Giorgio and francesco looking at me with scared faces. Luca was just smirking.

"Hope you enjoyed the show boys" i said walking out of the warehouse.

I stopped at Luca's car and saw him walking with carlos clearly arguing about something.

"Ill take her home Luca, you can go home to your wife" Carlos said as they both stopped at the car.
"I dont take orders from you" he spat.

"Luca its ok! Go home to Louise" i said hugging Luca. He hugged me back and whispered. "If you need to go anywhere, me and Louise are happy to have you." I smiled and thanked him before walking to carlos's car. We both got in and he started driving.

"I'm sorry about the way i acted. I shouldn't have told you what to do." He said pulling into the driveway. "It's ok, i just wasn't in the mood." I said smiling at him which he returned.

We got out of the car and walked inside hand in hand. Once we got inside he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back placing my arms round his neck whilst he carried me to our room. He placed me on the bed and started trailing kisses down my neck.

This is going to be a long night.

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