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Unknown POV

We all go through bad shit. But from what I've seen. Valencias had it way worst. She's lost everyone shes ever loved and blamed herself for their deaths.

This poor girl had gone through hell, and no one had checked on her or helped her.

She was never given the help she so desperately needed.

And that's how we are here today. Yesterday she overdosed. And here i am. Standing over her body. This poor girl went to hell and back and still made time for her kids. She's never taken anytime to herself or to help herself.

She was so overworked, and yet she still forgave the man who hurt her most.

We have all had hardships. But Valencia,

She was a survivor.

Carlos' POV

"What the fuck are you doing!? Get away from my girlfriend!" I shouted at some random guy stood in Valencias hospital room. How dare he come in here.

"With all due respect Carlos, I've known Valencia a lot longer than you have." The man said before exiting the room.

I ignored it and took a seat next to Valencias bed.

I couldn't help but stare at her unmoving body. She's hooked up to so many wires and i cant do anything to help her.

Why didn't she stop? She knew that it would kill her but she didn't stop.

I just want to know why

I want her to open up to me.

I sighed and walked out of the room. I got my phone out and pressed Lucas contact.

"What's happened?! Is Valencia ok?" He panicked
His voice was filled with concern.

"I need to to come st. Andrew's hospital." I replied bluntly.

"I'm on my way" he hung up.

I called Giorgio next. "Hey man, i need you to come to St. Andrews hospital" "ill be there as soon as i can." I hung up.

I then called Francesco. "Hiya" his voice rang through my ear. "Fran? I need you to get down to St. Andrews hospital as soon as you can." "What have you done to my bestie?" "Ill explain later." I hung up.

I then called neo. "Hi bro, is ben with you?" I asked. "Yeah we are watching monsters inc." he replied. He's a child i swear.
"Ok, i need you down at the hospital now" my phone went dead.

For fucks sake.

I walked back into the hospital room. I sat there holding her hand praying. Before i heard someone softly knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Giorgio walked in. "What happened man?" He asked. "Ill explain when everyone else is here." He nodded his head and took a seat on the sofa.

Before i knew it the door bust open revealing a very angry Luca. Oh no

He walked straight over to me and pulled me to my feet by my collar.

"What the fuck happened to her!?" He shouted at me. "Ill tell you when the others get here!" I shouted back. "Valencia is there lying on a hospital bed looking like shes dying and you want me to wait?!" He growled angrily.

Just on cue Francesco, neo and ben walked in. They all looked shocked.

"Now that you are all here." I said as Luca let go of me and pulled a seat next to Valencia. "Valencia overdosed last night. She took 5 bottles of pills and washed it down with a full bottle of white wine. It's good i got there in time or she would be dead right now!" I said looking at Luca who looked at me in disgust.

"Why would she do that?" Francesco asked.
Myself and the others looked equally confused as Luca spoke up.

"You lot cant be serious. You are all so stupid! Think about all the shit shes gone through. She was mistreated by her parents, raped by her father, her brothers are dead, her parents died, she lost her first daughter. And shes just lost mavka who was just like a daughter to her! And on top of that you all abandoned her when she needed you most. She's the strongest person i know. She always has a smile on her face no matter what. But I've seen her at her worst, I'm the only person shes cried in front of. And you all seriously think you know her? She may forgive you. But i know deep down she hates you all for leaving her!"

All of us had guilty faces.

The worst thing about all of that,

Is that he's right.

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