Please don't leave me

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Valencias POV

I'm sad but I smile
That is apart of life

  I'm sad but I smile That is apart of life

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One month later

Me and Carlos have been talking a lot more and helping each other through the death of our daughter. He also asked me to be his girlfriend a week ago which I said yes to.

Right now i am getting dressed for a new mission. We have a shipment coming in and its our biggest one yet so all my men in Italy are going. Of course carlos' men are guarding the house and looking after mavka.

I just got out of the shower and now getting dressed into a pair of black leggings, a black long sleeve top and a pair of black combat boots. I put my gun holster on and put two guns on my waist. I put one dagger into my left combat boot and another in my right one. I put my hair into a high ponytail and walked towards mavka room.

I walked in gave her a hug and got her dressed. I put a black tube top, grey sweatpants, white air-forces and white socks on her. I then put her hair into two little space buns.

I had gotten so attached to this little girl.

"Ok mavka, I'm going to the docks now" i place her on my lap. "Ill be back hopefully before you go to bed and tuck you in" i said whilst smiling.

"Ok v!" She said. I opened my arms and gave her a hug before kissing her cheek. "I love you v!" Mavka looked up at me.

That's the first time she's ever said that

"I love you too mavka" i said looking down at her.
"Ill take you to get ice cream tomorrow yeah?" I asked. She nodded her head excitedly. "Ok! Bye mavka" i said placing her on the floor. She waved back at me.

I went downstairs and outside where i was met by Carlos. I got into his car as he turned to me.
"Let's get this shit over with" i said grumpily. "Someone isn't happy about the shipment" he laughed. I sent him a playful glare and he started driving.

After an hour and a half we had arrived at the docks.

"Alright, everyone in their positions?" I asked through the ear piece. "Yes boss" Luca said back.

"Oh how I've missed your voice Luca" i said. "You too kid."

"Snipers?" "Check"

"Front row?" "Check"

"Look out?" "Check"

Good good

After 20 minutes i heard someone speak though the earpiece.
"It's coming in boss" "good"

"Jayden go and check it" i spoke into the earpiece. "Already on it boss"

"All here" he said "good, go collect it boys"

After i said that the whole front row went in and transferred it from the crate to our trucks and sent them to the warehouse.

We were about to leave before i heard someone clapping.

I turned around to see someone clapping but i couldn't make out who it was.

"Well done Valencia, its good to see you in power again."

All my men drew their guns at him as they heard his voice.

Carlos took a protective step next to me as Luca did the same thing behind me.

They know better than to stand in-front of me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat. "I want nothing. In fact, i have something or someone you want" he spoke.

He signalled to someone to come forward. I watched closely and saw a man drag a little girl behind him before throwing her on the floor.

"Mavka!" I shouted running forward before zemo put his hand up to stop me.

I abruptly stopped. "We have this place surrounded, we have you out numbered. Now do as we say or you all die." He spoke.

"I have no interest in the girl even if she's my blood. I just want Italy and it'll all be over" he spoke.

"Like hell your getting Italy!" Carlos shouted clearly enraged.

"Please just let her go! She's an innocent child" i begged.

"Ill ask again will you give me Italy?" He shouted.

"No! I will not give you my territory" Carlos spat.

"Wrong choice"



Everything stopped.

I didn't focus on anything i just watched the scene in front of me before i heard an ear piercing scream.

I ran forwards to mavka and dropped to my knees in front of her.

"Hey sweetie, keep your eyes open ok?" I asked putting pressure on the wound.

"V? He got us" she spoke.

"No he didn't, we can still win" tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"Mama, I'm getting really tired" she spoke

"no, no mavka dont you dare close your eyes!" I shouted. "We are supposed to go for ice cream remember?" I asked.

"I love you mama" "i love you too sweetie" i cried.

"You have to let me go now mama, i'll be ok! I'll be with Normandy" she said with a smile.

"Please dont leave me" i sobbed.

Her body goes limp as she takes her final breath.

No no no no

"No! Get up" i screamed, tears rolling down my face. "My daughter! My beautiful girl" i sobbed. I felt a pair of arms go around me.

"She's gone baby, I'm so sorry" Carlos spoke.

"No she isn't there's still time" i shouted pushing away from him. I looked back at mavka and cried at the sight.

A young girl, lying on the floor. Blood surrounding her. Men shouting. Me crying. Carlos trying to reach me.

I walked over to her and picked her up in my arms. "Ill take her, Carlos please take Valencia home" Luca spoke taking mavka out of my arms. I let a sob escape my lips again as Carlos hugged me.

I fell to the floor sobbing. "She's gone" i cried.
It began to rain.
Carlos crouched down in front of me and took my face into his hands. "Let's get you home"

He picked me up and walked me to his car where he put me in and kissed my forehead. He went around to the drivers side and started the car. When he started driving he placed his hand into mine and caressed it with his thumb.

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