What a bet

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Valencias POV

If you are patient in a moment if anger,
You will escape a hundred years of sorrow

  If you are patient in a moment if anger, You will escape a hundred years of sorrow

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It's currently three pm. An hour till our bet takes place. It's just going to be us two so there's no one watching which put my mind at ease a little.

I just got out the shower and walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit.
I put a black crop top on as-well as a pair of white joggers and a pair of white trainers. I put my red hair into a low bun and made my way to my gym where Carlos was waiting for me.

He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and wasn't wearing a top. I made my way over to the ring and started to wrap my hand as Carlos did the same thing.

"You ready to loose principessa?"

"Well if i was so adamant on loosing then why am i standing right here?" I said sarcastically earning an eye roll from him.

We began fighting,

I threw a punch whilst he was distracted and it landed on his nose causing his nose to bleed.
"There seems to be a little something on your face" i smirked
"I would've never guessed, thanks for that one" he said back earning a childish grin from me.

He threw a kick which i was able to block as we both exchanged blows.

I managed to get on his shoulders and spin myself making him fall to the floor as i quickly got up and threw a kick.

He caught my foot

Oh fuck

He pulled me down so i was on top of him,
"Well look at this, i always knew you were a bottom bitch" i grinned

He quickly thrusted upwards making me fall forwards as he got on top of me straddling my waist.

"Really? Because i remember every time we had sex, we were in this position" he smirked as i rolled to the side throwing him off.

He quickly got up and went behind me grabbing my neck in one arm and his other hand on top of my head

This bastard was trying to put me to sleep!

I thrashed around in efforts to shake him off.

But it was no use, he was ten times stronger than me.

"Just tap out now Valencia and it'll all be over" he sighed as he held me in place

After a while i tapped out, dropping to the floor clutching my neck

"You bastard!" I shouted

"Ill see you soon for a meeting" he winked at me and walked out.

After i had gotten out of the shower it was five Pm and i got dressed for the mission.

I picked out a black crop top with black jeans and a black leather jacket. I straightened my hair and put my black heeled boots on along with a gun strapped to my waist and my knives hidden in my boots.

I dont go anywhere without my weapons. Ive made too many enemy's for that.

As i walked downstairs i was met by Luca and 100 of my men were stood outside waiting to get into cars.

"Let's go boys!" I shouted as they all got in their cars. I got in my car with Luca and drove to the docks.

When we got there we all got into position and waited for it to arrive.

"I see it coming in boss" someone says through the earpiece.

"Units on the west side move in" i said through the mic as men started walking towards the shipment. I had my gun drawn and started moving forwards.

We checked all the shipments and made sure we had everything before getting back into our cars and driving back to the estate.

When we got to the estate i looked in front of me and felt all different emotions going through my body;

Concern, sadness, anger, suspicion and betrayal.

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