You have to be kiding me

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Valencias POV

  Hurting someone's feelings
Are as easy
As throwing a rock in the ocean,
But do you know how deep that rock goes?

   Hurting someone's feelings  Are as easy As throwing a rock in the ocean, But do you know how deep that rock goes?

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I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was in Carlos' room under the blanket with him. Both of us naked.

Then it all came flooding back. I had sex with carols

I slowly got out of bed and walked to his shower. I hopped in there and washed my body, hair and did my other hygiene things. I then wrapped a towel around my body and walked into his room to see him oh his laptop.

"Morning mamas" he looked up.
"Morning Carlos" i went over and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"I'm going to get dressed in my room." I started walking.
"There's no need" he said typing on his laptop.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"This morning whilst you were sleeping i had someone move all your stuff in here." He said looking at me.
"And what if i dont want to?" I teased.
"Well you dont have a choice mamas" he reached over and grabbed me making me squeal.

"Carlos we need to get dressed." I said whilst he was kissing my neck.
"We have meetings though."
"They can wait."
Knock knock

"Yes?" Carlos called out. One of his men stepped into the room.
"Sorry sir, but there's something you both need to see."
"Cant it wait?" Carlos groaned.
"No sorry."
"Ok we will be out soon."

The man stepped out of the room and i walked into our closet.
"Carlos can i pick your outfit?" I called as he was in the shower.
"Sure" he shouted back.

Hell yeah

I took out a red long sleeved turtle neck shirt and a red tartan skirt to go with it and got dressed. One I was dressed i took out a red turtleneck for Carlos and a black blazer and trousers. I then made my way to his desk which was now filled with makeup and my things and begun straightening my hair.

As i was doing my makeup Carlos walked out of the bathroom. "Your outfit is on the bed." I said whilst doing my mascara. "We going matching today?" He asked amused. I smiled at his comment and put my necklace on.

Carlos was putting his shoes on as i was putting my thigh-high black boots on. He stood up and grabbed my hand, "we ready to go?" "Yep" i said pecking his cheek.

Once we got into the meeting room everyone was stood up and some were sat. Carlos walked to the head of the table and i sat on his right. "What's this about then?" He asked.

"Well sir, this is more for miss Garcia." One of the men spoke as he put the projector on.

A photo of a group of men popped up. About four of them. "I don't understand what you're showing me." I said.
He zoomed in and i could see their faces perfectly.

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