Welcome to my life

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Valencia's POV

The world is against me.
It wouldn't be fair otherwise

It wouldn't be fair otherwise

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"Your fired, get out now"

He looked at me in shock. I don't really know why, Surely they knew the drill by now.


"Did I say you could speak? I don't think I did so get out now" my voice was dripping with venom as I spoke.

This idiot had completely messed up my shipments so I took it upon myself to fire him.
And now he's making a massive fuss. God men are dramatic.

"Luca can you show mr Rossi out? I cant be bothered with his bullshit today." And just like that he was escorted out.

Luca is my right hand man, he was my fathers right hand man before he was murdered.

My father aswell as my mother and 4 older brothers were killed in a home invasion by the Russians. So that left me to be the heir of the Mexican mafia. My family died when i was 17, that's when i became the donna. I never really liked my parents as they never wanted a girl. They wanted all boys because they saw men to be stronger than women. God, they were so sexist. I was mostly neglected growing up but me and my brothers had a great bond. They were all like my dads. So i don't partially care that my parents died but i miss my brothers every day.

Luca has been by my side through it all. He was there for me growing up and i see him as a father figure. Luca is 47 years old and has worked in this business since he was 19. So he knows the ins and outs of everything.

"Miss Garcia?" One of my body guards spoke.

That's right i have two body guards, i dont know their names though because i dont really care.


"Mr russo is here for your meeting"

As soon as i heard that i got up and headed to my office where Carlos was waiting for me.

"Get me a glass of whiskey!" I shouted back at him.

"Carlos, its good to see you" my voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"You too Valencia, i see you have done a little bit of decorating" he said with a smirk earning an eye roll from me.

"Why did you call this meeting russo?" I was getting bored of him already.

"I was wondering if you wanted an alliance?" He said in confidence

"No" i started making my way out the doors when i was pulled back by my waist.

"Oh come on Valencia, for old times sake?"

"I said no and if you dont get your hands off me in the next five seconds ill cut them off"

He quickly removed his hands.

"I'm not interested in an alliance with you or anyone connected to you." I said angered

I started walking down the hallway until i abruptly stopped at his words.

"I know for a fact Normandy would love to see us pair up again"

I turned around as my fists were clenched and i was fuming.
I stalked towards him and punched him in the face.

"Don't ever bring her into this, you have no right!" I screamed in his face the best i could as his 6'4 size was towering over my 5'5 size

"Well she was my kid too, i have a right to talk about her!" He shouted back

"You lost the right the day she died and you left me!"

"You're telling me you're still pissed at the fact i left, get a grip Valencia"

"I hope you fucking die! I hate you" i screamed in his face

"If you truly hated me then why am i still alive?"

And with that he walked out my house.

The truth was that i want to hate him, but i just cant. I still love him and i dont know why.

I got pregnant at 16 with his kid. She was beautiful, we called her Normandy and we were amazing parents. But she died on her 3rd birthday. She was killed in a car crash, and after her funeral Carlos left me.

We havent spoken since, that was until today.

I want to punch him and scream in his face, but hug and fall asleep in his arms at the same time.

I never got my fucking whiskey, I'm firing my body guard. he cant do one simple task. Now I'm gonna be grumpy all day.



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