No one disrespects me or my family

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Valencias POV

Be afraid and do it anyways

  Be afraid and do it anyways

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I woke up to my alarm. I read it as 5:30, i slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom. I had a quick shower and got myself dried.

I got dressed into a pair of cream sweatpants and a white crop top. I put my hair into a high pony tail and grabbed my white trainers.

I did 8 laps of the estate and went back inside for a nice warm shower. I stepped out of the shower after 20 minutes and made my way to the wardrobe.

I looked over to see Luca lying on the sofa.

I smiled to myself and walked into the closet.

I picked out a black and white matching tartan trousers and blazer. And i put on a laced black top. I grabbed my black heels and let my hair down.

I made my way to the kitchen and looked at the time; 9:30. I sat down at the island in the kitchen and got my laptop out.

I had to do a lot today.

I have to organise our next shipment, train a few new men, seal a deal with the french mafia and on top of that today is the yearly ball.

Yes, you heard me

Yearly ball

It's basically a day a year where all mafias come together for one day of peace.

Of course its never peaceful but its an excuse to Dress up.

I started emailing my head men about halving the shipment so half comes to Italy, and the other goes to Mexico.

I was in the middle of writing an email before i heard a gun shot go off.

I shot out of my seat and held my gun in front of me.

I quickly made my way out of the kitchen and down the corridor until i heard the shouting coming from my room.

For fucks sake, cant i get one second of peace

I went into my room to see Jacob shouting at Luca.

"You fucking useless dickhead! I told you to go make me a tea" Jacob screamed at Luca,

How dare he disrespect him

I held my gun the the air and shot 3 warning shots.

Jacob shrieked and spun around.
My face was displaying a type of fury he has ever seen before.

"Dont ever disrespect him like that again do you hear me" i calmly spoke.

"What the fuck are you gonna do huh?!"

This mother fucker

I placed my gun against his temple.

"Valencia" Luca warned.

Love and warDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora