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Valencias POV

Fallen seven times
Stand up eight

"Where the fuck have you been babydoll?" Giorgio said whilst staring down at me

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"Where the fuck have you been babydoll?" Giorgio said whilst staring down at me.

His 6'1 frame towering over mine.

"Running a mafia dickhead" i said whilst laughing.

Behind me i saw a tall girl. About 5'10, blonde and nice curves.

I smiled at her and put my hand out for her to shake. She gave me a friendly smile and shook my hand.

"Valencia" i nodded "sayah" she said in a thick Italian accent.

"She's my fiance" Giorgio said.

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you" i said whilst hugging him.

"And pregnant" sayah added

"Oh my god! That's amazing" i said smiling.

"When the hell did you get here" i spun round to the door and saw a 5'8 Francesco leaning against the frame.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "It's good to see you again" i said to him.

"You too, i see you have gotten prettier since i last saw you" he sent me a wink.

"I see you havent got that stupid idea out of you head" i said whilst smacking him upside the head.

We were all sat round the massive dining table.

Ambramo was sat at the head, his wife to his right, cleo to his left, Jacob sat next to her, Francesco sat next to constance, me sat in between Francesco and Carlos. Next to Jacob sits Giorgio and next to Carlos is sayah.

We were all eating a lovely dinner constance had made just talking about different things.

Until cleo spoke up louder.

"So Valencia, hows Normandy?" She innocently smiles.

My fists clench. "Shut up cleo" Giorgio spits.

"No, i want Valencia to answer the question" she said whilst everyone sent her glares.

"How dare you speak of her name" i screamed. "You think i dont know of your little games huh?! Well newsflash darling, she's in heaven happily looking down probably showing you her middle finger"

"Well bitch I'm not even surprised you couldn't keep your own daughter alive" she spat.

Sayah gasped.

"Cleo leave Normandy out of this" Francesco said quietly.

"Fuck you you stuck up whore" i said whilst standing up.

I looked over to Carlos to see him with his head down. I can't believe he didn't defend his late daughter.

I scoffed and walked out.

I dont need him to defend her anyways.

I walked upstairs to the guest room and got dressed into a grey sweatshirt and grey leggings. I let my hair down and put my black trainers on.

I grabbed my bag and placed a blanket, my phone a water bottle and a packet of sour patched kids in it.

I walked downstairs as someone called my name. I turned around to see Jacob stood there.

"What do you want?" I asked whilst narrowing my eyes.

"I just wanted to see where you were going as you sorta walked out."

"Oh shit, i didn't realise that" i stated sarcastically. I turned back around and walked outside.

I went into the garage and saw Carlos' car. I smirked and got in. I checked the time and it read 9:57 pm.

I started to the car and drove to the gates. I got one of his men to open the gates and drove off to a nearby beach.

When i got to the beach it was 10:35. I got out of the car and walked down to the beach.

I lay the blanket down as-well as my sweets and water.

I lied down and started to eat my sweets before i was rudely interrupted.

"How you been doing Valencia?" Luca asked concerned.

"Great" my voice laced with sarcasm.

Luca sighed and sat down next to me on my blanket.

"What happened now?" He asked while looking at me.

"Cleo was disrespecting Normandy" i said whilst looking at the stars.

I rarely ever cry. I reckon I've cried a total of 6 times. And all those times were over the death of my daughter and brothers.

"She's a bitch, dont let her bring you down" he said whilst smiling at me.

I gave him a small smile back.

"Want a sweet?" I asked whilst offering him the bag.

He took it and took a handful before giving it back to me.

After about half an hour i had gotten up and walked with Luca to our cars.

We drove to Carlos' place and Luca followed me. When we got there it was 12:58.

I made my way into the house with Luca and we both went to my room.

There was a sofa in my room as he slept on there.

I went into the bathroom to get dressed into a pair of pink sweatpants and a white long sleeved top.

I'm either cold at night or boiling. And today i was freezing.

I climbed into bed a slowly dosed off.

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