Chapter 58

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I start to get envy to nayeon unnie because jungkook was already there for her and always visiting unnie here at our dorm Specially about jung-hoon, they all looks so happy together, while me

I just received a text or calls from him and he only visiting me if he have enough time because he can't go here because he was focusing on his career first also he was focusing on his members..

He was not like this before, but we all know, people really change, but I hoping that his feelings won't change, that he still loves me just like what he doing to me before

But I can't deny that I really miss his presence, and I really hate this pandemic that I really can't saw him Everytime I want

I'm just here watching at our TV and my members was already sleeping right now and I just don't feel sleepy because I've been thinking about him..

Because since earlier I didn't receive a texts from him or calls..


I look who call me and it's just nayeon unnie and I just smile at her..

"You still not sleeping, is there's something problem? You can tell it to unnie" she said and start to seat beside me

"Uhmm nothing unnie"

"Dahyun I know you hiding something, even you really good at hiding, it's still can't erase that you looks sad, what's wrong?"

"I just miss him"

"Jimin?" She ask and I nodded while looking down and playing with my fingers..

"Then call him, is he already text you or call you?"

"It's the problem unnie, he didn't"

"Aish, I will scold that kid"

"Unnie don't, for sure he was so busy and he was tired and he forgot to text me or call me to inform me"

"Still dahyun, we trust him that he will take care of you and he can't do this to you"

"Unnie you know him right? He really love his work and his career"

"Yes I know that dahyun, but I won't let this happen and you can't stop me" unnie said and she suddenly pick up her phone and I just bite my lower lips


I woke up because of my phone suddenly ring and I just look at the clock and found that I fell sleep that for long and I just seat up at the bed and grab my phone and look who is the caller..

Nayeon? Why she suddenly call? Jungkook is at twice dorm..

Then I just pick it up and answer her call..

"Nayeon? Why you suddenly call?" I said and yawn..

"Hey you kid, why you letting dahyun looks so sad huh? Did you know that dahyun can't sleep by thinking of you huh? You didn't text her and you didn't call her this whole day, what did you do this whole day? Where are you?"

Oh my....

I forgot about her...

"Oh mianhe nayeon-ah, I didn't know that I fell sleep because of tiredness you know about my work at company" I said that I'm  completely awake now

"Ok, tell it to Her, she was beside me right now, talk with her and fix it" nayeon said at phone call and I hummed..


I speak up if the phone was already on her...

"Y-yeah it's me"

"I'm sorry about what I did, I really didn't mean to do that, and I'm sorry that I forgot about you"

"Jimin-ah, I already heard about what you tell to unnie, no need to apologize, and I also know that you really focus on your career"

"Dahyun it's not like that"

"I know I know, I also know that we really going to reach this kind of problem and I will accept it, and it's also can't be happen that you always here with me and you always contacting me because we are an idol and we really forgot about us"

"Dahyun don't tell me"

"Nope, I won't break up with you and you know how much I love you right?" She said and it's made me smile when I heard that I love you from her and I just lay at my bed smiling like crazy..

"Can you say it again?"


"Can you say that three words again, please"

"Aish I'm embarrassed"

"C'mon I really need that words right now, and you didn't know how much I miss you, Im like crazy person and I really can't feel comfortable when you are not around, and I need that words from my girlfriend" I said and just to make her blush..

"O-oppa stop making me blush"

"Aigoooo" I heard nayeon at the phone call and it's made me chuckle..

"Just say it now please"

"Aniya, nayeon unnie is here and I'm so shy"

"Aish, ok ok I'm going to cover my eyes just for you" nayeon said and I just Chuckle..

"Ok for sure nayeon already cover her eyes, c'mon tell it to me now"


"Ahhh, ehhh, ihhh, ohhh uhhh"


"Oppa I'm so nervous and shy"

"Dahyun-ah just please tell it to me now, if you are here you will see how I'm pouting right now"

"You must be looks so cute" dahyun said and chuckle, hayst! I miss her so bad!!!

"I love you jimin-ah"


"I love you more dahyun my one and only jagiya" I said while smiling..

"I will call you in your phone and I will sing for you just you feel sleepy and feel comfortable" I said while smiling and she hummed at phone and she end the call

I just wait that she will call and the smile at my lips really can't erase from me that I already own the girl that my long time crush since 2017

Then finally she call and I immediately answer it..

"You already at your room?"

"Yes, I'm already laying at my bed"

" what's song you want to sing for you?"

"Your songs jimin-ah"

"Serendipity, I will sing it for you"

"Ok" she said and I heard that she yawn at phone call and I just Chuckle and I start to cough and start singing for her and just to let her fell sleep...

OBSESSION || N.Y & J.K Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin