Chapter 45

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(A/N: I can't think some topic so I just take it fast, lmao)



the shooting was perfectly done but the kissing scene was really made me so think why that part in we got married can have some acts, jyp didn't told me about it..

But after that, minhyuk suddenly confess his feelings to me and it's exactly that the cam was off but I just walk away from him that time when he confess on me

For sure there's a lot of fans will be so crazy when they watch it, that I can meet now my son that it's so long that I didn't saw and for sure he also miss me..

Our staff already fixing Everything from the set and we going back now to our own business....

But no one will fetch me up right now, should I text him or not?

But I already on his phone number, but before I text him, he already calling right now..

Then I just gulp and answer his call...

"I will fetch you up, just wait, I also need to talk to you, sincerely" jungkook said and hung up the call

He did that and he didn't let me speak for a moment

What's wrong with him? He really a problematic person....

Then I just start to help our staff by fixing Everything from here..

When we are done, I start to thank for their work hard in this project..

Then someone call me and I look who is it, it was minhyuk and I just fakely smile because I still remember that act..

"I just want to apologize about that act, I just, I just too fast because of my feelings for you"

"No it's ok, it's just an act no need to worry"

"But is it ok that I can have some dinner date with you?"

"She would say no, when I'm still here"

I going to speak something but we heard someone from the back and we look who is it, it was jungkook..

Wait, it's take a long before he reach here, don't tell me that he really rush here just to fetch me up or just going to say something

"Why would she disagree, she is single and I'm single, so it's ok that me and her having a date"

"Oh really? It's really what you think that she was single, after what you hide from her? And from people around you?"

"What are you talking about jungkook? I can't understand you"

"Look at this" jungkook said and give me an folder..

"We hack some info from dispatch before that about our separation before and jyp said before that there's one sasaeng who caught us outside of the jyp entertainment that I going to Brought you in twice dorm that time, and it's reveal that sasaeng was minhyuk, he have some connections with dispatch and he really share some info that he knows and he wants to have a date with you because he wants that some dating issue will happen from the both of you that's why I told that you would not agree with that" jungkook explain while I just reading what written at the folder..

Then I connect all the dots about what jungkook explain and what written on this folder..

And now I get it..

Then I look at minhyuk..

"Is it true?"

"I will explain everything"

"Just tell me is if it's true, no need to explain because the explanation you going to give was you like me and you just worried about me and you want me to be yours and be happy with you that I only can give to you was friendship only, but it's not Enough for you, I trust you hyuk because I think you will hide some things that you know about me and about jungkook before, and now the trust that I give to you, is now over And I don't want to see you anymore" I said and walk away from them..


finally, nayeon start walking away after what she told to minhyuk and I just smirk while looking at him..

"Now who's loser"

"She still can't be yours jungkook"

"She still can be mine, but into you, it's big impossible, wanna know why? Because a trust was a most important in life, and you waste that trust because you didn't think first before doing something and about that kissing scene happen, I'm still have plan with you, wanna know what is it?" I said and I start to walk towards on him and whisper on him while facing him with smirk..

"That I will broke your bones into million pieces by stealing a kiss from my girl without my permission, you didn't know how I'm so obsessed with her before that I want her to be mine, but after you came, it's made me more crazy that I can kill you Everytime I want, so it's just a warning, if I saw and if I get some info about you giving a info to dispatch, remember this, I will kill you"

I said in whisper while smirking, then I start walk away from him

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