Chapter 33

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I feel so nervous right now because nayeon unnie was already in company since earlier because jyp told me that brought nayeon unnie there for confrontation about her relationship with jungkook and I know Nayeon unnie will be looks sad again and I didn't know if unnie will get mad on me and I already told to my members about that when nayeon unnie go at the company..

Then the door open and reveal tzuyu with Taehyung and I just breath out because I think it's already nayeon and tzuyu walk towards on me and seat beside me while Taehyung start to seat at the chair..

"Where's nayeon unnie already?" Tzuyu ask..

"She is already at the company talking with jyp right now for confrontation" I said while being nervous right now

All of them was really Special for me and I really can't handle to see one of them being hurt and being so emotional, Specially nayeon unnie..

But this is for her career and for her safety, there's a lot of rumors already spreading about her relationship with jungkook and we still can't say that they are couple in public because for sure there's a lot of people will hate her and bash her

I need to take care of them as a leader I need to do that and I need to be strict..

"How's vacation?" I ask her..

"It's good tho unnie, but we rush to got here because of what you just tell me" tzuyu said and I look at Taehyung..

"Do you already know the issue? Also the separation?" I ask him..

"Yup, and I already talk to her before we got here and she approve" Taehyung said and I nodded...

"How about dahyun unnie? She was dating Jimin oppa, they got a warning?" Tzuyu ask..

"No, they are safe but nayeon unnie and jungkook was getting big problem here because your dating issue with Taehyung was still fresh and sasaeng found nayeon unnie with jungkook outside of the company and it's will be big controversy if it's reveal that's why we need to separate with bangtan for now and when it's everything was good, you can meet up with your own partners but in secret way and should take care more than before" I explain and they nodded...

"Nayeon unnie" Sana said and we look at the door and found nayeon unnie and we start to stand up and she start to walk towards on us and I just held my hand tightly while tzuyu holding my arm right now..

"Y-you a-agree?" Nayeon unnie said who is going to cry....

"I'm very sorry unnie, I just being a leader to our group and we need to do this, I'm so sorry" I said while looking at her....

Then she sigh and nodded..

"For sure bang pd already talk with him and for sure later on, he will call me" nayeon unnie said who is already tearing up..

Then I walk towards on her and hug her tightly and caress her back..

"I'm sorry by my agreement with them, I really don't like seeing you being emotional and being so hurt because of this, but you are strong unnie, you can handle everything and you still can get back to him in the right time that there's no problem that was happening right now, it's not officially broke up unnie, you both was just need to be separate for now and we still here to guide you and take care of you" I said while caressing her back and she nodded while tearing up on my shoulder


"NO WAY!" I shout when I heard about what bang pd told me..

"Jungkook lower your voice" namjoon hyung said, I'm with him and talking with bang pd about the separation of me with noona because a sasaeng caught a picture of me with noona outside of the jyp entertainment and they compare it to tzuyu and Taehyung fresh dating issue...

"Jungkook, nayeon is already agree with this and you should do the same, this is not break up, this is just separation, no contacts to each other for more than 1 year and when everything is good you can get back to her"

"Bang pd, that is too much and you don't need to compare my relationship with Taehyung and tzuyu fresh dating issue, we taking care of ourselves and please don't do this"

"I don't have a choice jungkook, if you didn't listen I won't let you see her forever, please just approved about this, this is for your career and this is for Nayeon's career too, please listen"

"No bang pd! I love her and she love me, and we are strong enough when this dating issue will reveal and we going to face the consequences and I won't agree with this!"

"I'm sorry bang pd, I will talk to jungkook privately" namjoon hyung said and pull me outside of his main office...

"Jungkook are you crazy? You choosing like that? You didn't think first, nayeon will be have a lot of hate after your decision and you don't want to see her being emotional right? Nayeon already approved about it and you need to do the same, we just taking care of our career and do the same, this is not for yourself only this is for all people around us" namjoon hyung said..

"Hyung I love her and I already can't help myself that I can't saw her, she was my Everything and I really can't take this kind of decision" I said while tearing up..

"Yes you can jungkook, this is just for separation this is not about Official broke up, and you still going to meet up with her, just trust yourself and you can do it, ok?" Namjoon hyung said and I just nod and he start to hug me..

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