Chapter 57

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our batch reunion was starting since earlier and there's a award thingy happen and I also received a award from this reunion because I'm one of the honor student before who attended this..

Also there's a games that they start and we just can't help but to watch it and laugh with them because how is it so fun to see

We already done by eating and we just talking and talking, and I also introduce jungkook to my friends and they didn't stop asking me about my relationship with him and of course I can't help but to get blush by remembering Everything about us and he just explaining it to them while they just listening to him

While jungkook explaining to them, I look around and I saw that there's a girls looking lovingly to him that they can't believe that a superstar was here

"Nayeon is that you?"

Someone said and I look up and found Adrian, my Ex Boyfriend..

Then I stand up and nodded..

"Nice to see you again"

"Me too, I didn't expect that you will attend the reunion"

"Opportunately I'm not busy this past few days and I just go here to have some fun with our classmates Specially to our friends" he explained..

"Ahhh, by the way what is your work?"

"I'm a photographer already in US and it's start to become successful"

"Woah Congratulations about that, for sure you will be more successful than before" I said while smiling at him and he also and he nodded, then I heard someone cough and I remember him And I look back and found him start to stand up and go beside me and hold my waist and offer his hand to him to have a shake hands...

"Nice to meet you, you must be nayeon's ex boyfriend, I am right?" He ask while smiling and he shake hands with him...

"Yes I am"

"What is your name again?"

They let go now..

"I'm Adrian, and you must be Jeon Jungkook from BTS"

"Yes that's me, you just mentioned earlier that you are a photographer, so you likes photography?"

"Yes I love it so much, since I'm still a college student I start studying about it, and nayeon knows that" Adrian said and I just nodded..

"Really? Well she didn't even mention it to me? And it's my first time to know you" jungkook said and I feel his hold at my waist..

Gosh he was literally jealous right now....

"Ohh, I'm sorry to say that, and nayeon you must be tell me more to him, for sure he will get mad at you or broke up with you If you keeping a secret" Adrian said..

"Yeah I will tell it to him" I said while smiling....

"Well about why you said that if I broke up with her, it's big impossible to happen" jungkook said..

"That's I will go now, see you again" Adrian said and I just nodded and say it also to him and he start walking away from here

we start to seat and he start to drink his wine..

"Are you ok?"


"If it's about him, you need to get mad"

"Why would I stop from getting mad if he is sounds like he still likes you"

"If it's really what you thought that he likes me, I doesn't even care about it and I already have you and jung-hoon, so don't worry about it, he is just like that, or he teasing you"

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