Thoughts and trouble - 37

365 33 30

3rd person's POV



A gasp of suprise pushed out of her lips before she could even control.

"Shit!,I must have spaced out yet again!"Aruvi grumbled in her head.

Getting out of her dazed state, Aruvi slowly looked up from the rosewood desk of her office -which she was priorly staring at- and saw Taehyung standing before her with an irritated plus anxious expression on his handsome face.

"What happened Aruvi?",Taehyung asked but now little calmer.

Aruvi gulped,without control her mind once again wandered to the yesterday's night in her bedroom.

Last night...

Those plump lips of Jimin caresses her's like the fresh petals of a new bloomed rose.

Jimin's one palm resting on Aruvi's bare waist below her upper clothing, sending cold and warm shivers throughout her body and his other hand combing through her long hair,with his lips and tongue sensually stimulating moans from Aruvi's mouth by working on the side of her neck and collarbones.

She wanted him to take her then and there.She wanted nothing but surrender all of her to Jimin and be by his side.

Never in her 30 years of life, Aruvi felt this strongly for someone and wanted someone to consume her whole,to the point she would become one with the person.

Never in her dream that she thought,that she would fall this deeply and madly for someone and would be ready to give up anything for them.

All her life, Aruvi never been ready to go deep in any kind of humanal relationships and always thought,that she never deserved to be loved.

But the unexpected Jimin's entry into her lifeless life changed Aruvi's every single misconception of love and selflessness.

When she thought,she never deserved love that infact left her lead an unhappy life,but then there was Jimin.

Jimin didn't become Aruvi's source of happiness,infact no one should become source of other's happiness, because at the end it only lead to pain,but rather Jimin made every single thing around Aruvi the source of her happiness and worth for living.

He made her realise,that the happiness and serenity she always wanted was inside herself all along.

Made her see the things that she never stopped to see before.Made her the happiest person on the earth by on her own and see the world and life in different light.

Now today she has something,that she would enthusiasticly wake up every day for,it was Jimin.If she could have him like this every day and night,till her last breath,she would do anything.

She would do anything for him to be happy and be by his side like this.

Because at times when she hate herself for what she was and what she have beneath her facade, Jimin unknowingly made her feel loved even though she was afraid that he would love her too -Ira- ,who can potentially hurt him.

Jimin was so pure and selfless at times, that she wanted to live like him.He set a burning Passion of life in her heart somehow,that she want to spend her every minute by his side and live her life like she deserved, being happier.

Though Jimin was too good to be true,but what scary is,he was real and true,which sometimes leave Aruvi to overthink the possibility of everything could vanish in a heartbeat.

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