Mine - 53

327 26 36

[A/n: Please!!! Please!!!! Listen to the song above🥺🥺🥺☝🏻]

3rd person's pov

Aruvi couldn't stop herself from smiling when her mind for the 97th time that day wandered to certain someone with the most cutest crinkling eye smile,smiling at her that morning through a video call.

She couldn't get her mind off how cutely puffy his face was due to waking up, just to call her first in the morning and how he pouted when she told him that she got work and told him to get ready and don't be Jimin today.

Aruvi still couldn't believe how this beautiful and angelic human was her boyfriend and they still standing together after all the things happened.

She was yet again amazed by how his eyes looking at her with all of its glittering universe of stars still there.The way he always burries his face in the crook of her neck and whines soft 'I love yous' to her at nights before parting ways to their respective home.

His little tantrum and complains of the new distance between them, always ending up in them making out breathlessly.

She just can't get her mind off him.

She was so busy relishing in the memories, Aruvi forgot that she was infact in middle of signing the discharging medical records and too much of a nosy guy, that her best bruh is watching her with shock etching in his facial features

"Someone save my friend. I think she is broken?! ", Jackson gasped, which earned him a strong smack on his neck.

" Ouch!!. Why did you do that?! ", He snarled rubbing the irritated skin of his neck.

" To close you shithole of a mouth from bullshitting ", Aruvi said looking at him with a 'duh' look on her face.

This is how they both are personally, out of their serious and righteous top class Neurosurgeons from one of the best hospital of South Korea.

Aruvi and Jackson are just two dorky friends,who have been together from the day they both passed out on their first anatomy practical class in university together. An unusual path laid towards their decade of friendship and more years to come.

Goofing around, getting shit drunk and throwing endless curse and insult at each other, every time in their time alone. It's just their love language for their friendship.

" Well. well. You are bit sassy for the one who was mopping like a dark cloud hanging above her head all day, not too long ago",Jackson scoffed, but kept going,"Now, what got you all smiley and grinning for no reason ? Are you by chance...got laid??!Fucking finally?!!!", he gasped screaming like a seagull, until Aruvi put her hand over his mouth to shut him up with a snarling hiss. Thank the Lord they were in her cabin, but it wasn't the type, that is sound proof like their chief's or Dr. Han's cabin.

"What?! No,you dumbass!! ", Aruvi said slapping his mouth with her hand before letting him go.

"Ow! Then what?? Did Dr. Han finally noticed your sketchy hovering around him? ", Jackson asked rubbing his mouth, his enthusiasm still at full swing.

" No", Aruvi signed before leaning back on the cushion of back rest of her seat and added, "If anything, I remember telling you about this already,that my crush was long gone,with him going back to his hometown six months ago. Anyways, you know I didn't see any potential for 'us' to happen".

" Yeah. ",Jackson muttered still drilling a hole on the side of her skull with his eyes.

A minute passes like that.

Intwined Destiny || BTS Fanfic{Completed}✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz