Fight & Friendship - 35

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"I'm in a deep shit", Aruvi mumbled to herself awkwardly waving at the now frozen statue Isai at the front door of their apartment.

3rd person's pov

"Do you have an idea about how much trouble I had went through to take down all those tabloids and articles containing your pictures and articles linking you to Park Jimin and put up with all of the news outlets sick assumptions!...I bet you never even had an idea about such thing happening, thanks to me who acted early from the very first article",Isai barked as she sat on the living room's couch, crossing her legs.

Though how much creepy it sounds,the paparazzi had their way to track down the person who just did their job as a doctor to save a dying person,but thing is Aruvi didn't save not just any person, it was a superstar.On top of it like a cherry,the news of Aruvi working in the same hospital as Jimin being admitted and few pictures of her seemed like she was conversing with other members of BTS, helped the paparazzi outlets to assume and creat a fuss over it to gain something from it.

The world is cruel and sick,no doubt.

Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a awkwardly glance at eachother and averted their eyes to not so bothered Jungkook munching on his chips.

Aruvi though shocked upon hearing the new information.She had so many questions and thinking about how someone had been following her the whole time gave her chills,but nonetheless she stayed silent for the sake of her bones, which she prayed to be intact after the hurricane ,that Isai currently is.

But deep down she now worried about Taehyung and Jungkook,who is currently with her,damn in her house.What if they were still following her and find about Taehyung and Jungkook?.

"If you are kicked with the late worry over this situation, don't worry too much.I took care of it,non-authorized personals can't enter the premises.To be honest,this not only put you in danger,many other influential people were at the verge of privacy expose made it easier for me to request and get the improvisation of the security,so no problem as it was taken care of.Atleast they won't track you anymore",Isai said looking at Aruvi's stunned face.

"But still,Everything would have not been this messy if you have attended my calls and messages,you know,I know this all things are inevitable in this current society,but atleast I wouldn't have been worried sick about you.I know I took long to come back home than I initially intended to,but you vanished for months.It was not so like you and I was worried to the point I cancelled all my dragging schedules to fly back home",Isai looked at Aruvi with firm yet sad eyes.

Yes,Isai was in the middle of her work,when this all happened and Aruvi was totally out of reach.She couldn't seem to focus on work or relax knowing her friend probably going through some kind of shit and all she could think is worst case scenarios.What,she was scared of Aruvi getting hurt or something bad might have happened.Thats why cancelling all her schedules,Isai flew back.

"Sorry Isai..and I mean it with all my heart...The day of accident I seem to lose my phone and the very next morning you were off to your shoot out of country,Sorry... something really got me engaged and it was kinda important so I just forgot everything..I'm extremely sorry for my behavior and thank you,thank you for helping me with all of that.But now see,I'm all prefect and nothing happened to me,so please calm down.",Aruvi slowly walking up to Isai,who was seated on the couch and knelt before her by placing a hand on her friend's thigh.

Aruvi looked up at Isai's ebony eyes which soon broke into tears, Because she,Isai was indeed worried sick about Aruvi and she didn't know any reliable source to track her friend's well being, atleast without selling out Aruvi's privacy to the world,where already all cunning eyes were seeking for Aruvi.

Isai knows how hard it was for Aruvi to be together as a friend with her,being a popular and famous celebrity not only gives you everything you desire in the world,but at same time it can also take away what you enjoyed normally and been comfortable with.

Many normal things were taken away from them like walking around malls, watching movies at theaters, eating roadside fastfood and taking a walk in bustling street.

Everything friends normally do can't be done in their case,as Isai being a well known celebrity and her sexual orientation as Pansexual ruled out the every possibility for her to freely interact with other people, including her own friend.

"I'll forgive's the last time..I swear if you ever do ignore me-", Before Isai can complete her sentance Aruvi already launched upon her to tackle her in bone crushing hug.

"I love you..more that you can imagine and I would never dare ignore you,my precious person.",Aruvi said tightening her hold on Isai,in return Isai tightened her hold around Aruvi's waist and let a cracked chuckle out her lips.

For Aruvi,Isai is all she have,yeah now she has Jimin, Taehyung, Jackson and Jungkook,but when she was left in darkness of her own,Isai was the light lead her out of herself.

A reason why Aruvi didn't give up and could be said as a reason why she kept going and to find her destiny,her Jimin.

If it weren't for Isai,Aruvi could have never lived through to see and experience this all.She could have not been here to find her love and broken pieces in Jimin.

Aruvi was both grateful and happy to have Isai with her.

Above all Aruvi loves Isai unconditionally,they both do.

The boys watching the emotional exchange between the two girls smiled unconsciously,they aren't blind,they could see and feel how much deep their friendship goes,how much they meant to each other.

"But tell me...what was keeping you so occupied for you to ignore me and why these two are here?",after detaching from the hug,Isai asked narrowing her eyebrows at Taehyung who squirming under her accusing eyes and non chalant Jungkook staring at Isai back with same intensity of her.

"It's a big story...", Aruvi dragged,eyes searching for Jimin who stood behind Isai and facing towards her.

Aruvi smiled.

"Don't tell me,what I'm assuming was right",Isai said gulping.

Isai should have known better as one of the few people who knows the special existence of Aruvi.

"But dear, that's what is the truth", Taehyung said scratching his nape awkwardly.

"Afterall that's how I got a lover",Aruvi said smiling widely when she saw Jimin grinning, pink dust of blush covering his cheeks.

How much Aruvi wanted to jump and kiss the most angelic man on this world,her Jimin.

"God!",Isai exclaimed.

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