Our home - 56

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3rd person's pov

"Here we are! ", Aruvi exclaimed with a bright smile at the blindfolded Jimin standing cautiously to not hit somewhere,while she reached to switch on the lights of the place.

" Where are we? Are you planning a homicide?", Jimin asked chuckling while he blindly reached his hand and pulled Aruvi close to his body by her hand.

"What- no! ", Aruvi laughed loud while falling on Jimin's chest with her palms pressed on his chest, his arms tightly around her at waist.

"Who would have a heart to murder this cutie baby like you?", She said shaking her head with soft smile on her lips.Her one hand snaked up to his nape and other still on his chest,above his warm, beating heart.

Though she still comprehending the fact Jimin is before her,in flesh and blood, alive, she was more than thankful for any miracle that brought her Jimin back safe and sound.

" I was kidding babe",Jimin smiled and pucked his lips to be kissed. Aruvi giggled before pressing her lips to his and she sighed into the kiss while untieing the knot of the fabric around his eyes.

Pulling away from the kiss, Jimin slowly opened his eyes to the new environment.

It was not scary like an abandoned building or somewhere scary like in the horror thriller movies.It was rather a fully furnished flashy apartment , but barley looked complete except the needed furniture and high notch interior.

He realised that they both are in the living room of the apartment. A big flat screen on the wall with big speakers, a pair of single couch and big couch. Modern lamps and empty shelves.The room was lightened with warm ceiling lights. Jimin saw a staircase leading up to upper floor of the apartment.

The ground floor seem to have a living room and kitchen,along with 2 other rooms, while other rooms and restrooms are in the first floor of the apartment.

Though the apartment was huge and modern,it was cozy. Jimin oddly felt warm and calm.

Aruvi smiled at the soft expression on her boyfriend's face and his soft squeeze on her waist.

"Like it? ", Aruvi asked tilting her head to look at Jimin's face.

" Love it! ", Jimin said turning his head to Aruvi's face.

Aruvi couldn't help but smile brightly at his big glossy eyes and plump lips in a cute pout.

She tiptoe her bare feet to kiss his pout, making Jimin broke into giggles.

" Okay, but who's place is this? It looks amazing.", Jimin asked.

"Been mine, but now,its ours", Aruvi said snaking her one arm around his waist and pressed her body to his in a side hug.

" Ours? ", Jimin asked surprised.

" Yeah... ", Aruvi nodded smiling," Bought this place two years back because of Isai's constant nagging."She said gesturing Jimin to walk along with her.

"I didn't know you own a house of your own. You still staying in Isai's apartment? ", Jimin asked tilting his head in question.

" Actually I bought this because of the nagging,also something was so drawing about this place.I felt it once I sat my foot inside.Yeah,I do own houses in few countries I previously worked, but nothing fancy like this. I somehow decided and bought it, thought I could sell it once I fly to another country.",Aruvi said, both of the stopped and stood at the glass wall of the living room,over looking the beautiful city.

"Because of Isai and Jackson it was delayed and then,you.you came into my life like a blessing... Now I want this once nothing but a property under my name to me to become our home. A forever home for us. Starting our life together here", Aruvi said pulling away from Jimin to turn her body to face him.

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