Goodbye,my angel - 47

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3rd person's pov

"Why are we here, instead of home? ", Jimin asked as he looked at Aruvi innocently,while she parked the car in her exclusive lot.Jimin felt odd that they were in the hospital all of a sudden ,where Aruvi works and Jimin body rests.

Aruvi turning off the engine,glanced at Jimin next to her in the passanger seat, stroking sleeping Luna on his lap.She couldn't meet his eyes, so she turned her side while undoing the seatbelt around her.

"I have little work in hospital, so we had to drop here before going home", Aruvi said,her voice slightly wavering which thankfully went unnoticed by Jimin.

" Oh, okay", Jimin smiled gently as he got out of the car after Aruvi.

Considering, it was already past 11:30 pm, the hospital premises was almost empty and barley had people around except for the medical staffs and caretakers.

Though Jimin smiled and told himself everything was just fine, he couldn't stop his anxious thoughts throughout the elevator ride to the floor his hospital room containing his body.

And strangely Aruvi was silent all the way to his room.

They both entered the room where Jimin was peacefully in a long sleep according to the world.

The first thing Jimin saw entering the room was the night view of the city through the hospital room's glass walls. Something tugged in his heart.

He was soon snapped out when Aruvi called him, she was standing next his body on the bed.

"Jimin", Aruvi called him once again with a sad smile, stretching her hand for him to take.

Jimin slowly walked to her with lot of questions in his mind at the very sight of the sad expression in Aruvi's face.

He held her hand and was about to voice out his worries, but Aruvi pulled him into a tight hug by circling her hands around his waist and burying her face in his chest.

Jimin was left speechless.

Aruvi's body trembled around Jimin, but she wasn't crying. Slowly she lifted her face to flash a soft and loving smile at him.

"Aruvi", Jimin husked unable to bring his voice to ask her anything, he felt all of his body was paralyzed. He couldn't do anything, but watch Aruvi pulling away from the hug with her sad smile not faltering.

Jimin saw Aruvi taking something from her jean pocket, that instantly made his eyes go wide and a pair of memory hit his senses.

One was the day they met, the very reason for everything today to be played out.

And other was almost no existing memory, he can't remember when and where this memory is from.

All of a sudden he remembered of going somewhere, an old wine place at that, to meet someone. Someone they both knew very well much,then again he couldn't remember anything more than that, but this strong feeling of something wrong with that memory pestered his mind.

They very object in Aruvi's hands was the starting point of their journey and it's returning into the scene made Jimin scared, because it meant end.

End of their journey.

Jimin couldn't do anything but stare at Aruvi, who leaned towards his body on the bed to put on the object in his finger.

The Dragon Ring, object of their story.

He saw Aruvi intwining her fingers with his,carefully not disturbing his IV insertion and looked at him with a loving smile before kissing his pale, chapped lips and Jimin felt his whole spirit form being sucked into a whirl of air.

And last thing he saw was Aruvi eyes wet with tears and her apologetic look towards him, while muttering, 'I love you forever'.

Aruvi saw Jimin's ghost form dissipate slowly and the very place he stood now empty.

Then finally, Aruvi's controlled tears broke out of the restrictions of her eyes and her legs buckled as she fell on her knee on the cold hospital floor, while clutching Jimin's hand on the bed.

Her body trembled with pain, guilt and grief, she buried her face in the soft linen of the hospital bed, next to Jimin's peacefully lying body.

Aruvi felt like her heart is falling apart. She didn't even explain him anything.Because she know if he knows the truth,Jimin would never allow her to bring him back.

All this while this was their fate, yet it was so hurting to come in face to face with the truth, that this is their end.

Aruvi took Jimin's hand in her both and kissed his knuckles as her eyes poured more and more tears without her control.

Jimin looked so peaceful lying on the bed. He looked like he was in a deep dream.

"I'm sorry Jimin, my love", Aruvi gasped for air while she wailed. Her senses soon filled with the beeping sounds of the machines and monitors connect to his body.

" I love you so much, so much that I want to let you go... Please forgive me, baby", Aruvi chocked while she tried standing up on her feet with her wobbling legs.

Aruvi looked at the clock.

11.59 pm.

The deadline is here, the last minute she has with her love, before everything and every memory would be reset.

Aruvi leaned to Jimin to press her lips tenderly on his pale lips and took in the medicine smell radiating off his vegetative state body.

She breath in with difficult while closing her eyes as her lips brushed his lips softly once again, for the last time.

"Goodbye, my Angel".


"Good job child, everything will be now set back to it's respective places", A very familiar voice said. Frost, their Guardian Angel.

Aruvi turned her head to the Angel standing there with its all glory, only that today the angel chose to look like a man.

Nonetheless, the angel looked handsome and ethereal, with a soft and sad smile on his lips.

" Please watch over him", Aruvi mumbled before her eyes closed and she slipped into dark.

"I'll always child", Frost said catching Aruvi's unconscious body in a protective embrace, before she hit the ground.

" You did well, child. Though you knew it gonna hurt you in the end", Frost whispered and kissed Aruvi's forehead lovingly,while carrying her in his arms to pass through the magic portal.


Short update!!!

Things are yet to come, so brace yourselves bubs.

With love, Shine.

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