Heart beat - 25

422 37 25

##@ This chapter has theme song@##

Aruvi's Pov

I took a long breath as I completely explained everything to Jungkook about the current situation involving me and Jimin.

When Jungkook fainted I was little startled that something bad might have happened to him and other two guys panick was not helping.

But somehow the youngest one woke up before,Taehyung nearly passed out of fear.

If only Taehyung had been more cautious and didn't let Jungkook over hear him while we talked over in phone about our progress in finding a way to bring Jimin back from the clues the spirit boy got from his Guardian Angel.

And I never thought that we should be facing more difficulties than we originally assumed, that too in the form of overly curious Jungkook confronting Taehyung in rather threatening way of letting things to reach the older guys of BTS.

Atleast Taehyung acted little smart in the issues.

We don't probably need anymore troubles,the younger is enough.So,he let the younger tag along with him and find everything on his own.

While Taehyung,Jimin and Me were worrying over the passed out younger on the living room's couch,Jungkook slowly regained his conscious.

At first Jungkook seemed a little wary of everyone including Taehyung as he glaced back at the kitchen from his position on the living room's couch.

But he gradually looked like he understood the seriousness of the situation,though how much it looked nothing,a sick joke on him.

"See..Mr.Jungkook, whether you chose to believe me or not,all the things I have said are true.",I said as my face fell back to its scowling demeanor.

One of the bad habits I have is couldn't control my facial expressions.

"But aren't you Jimin hyung's doctor? I'm sure I saw you a lot",Jungkook said a little less wary now,but his voice laced with worry and doubt.

"Yes 'I'm.Don't worry, I strictly follow rules and ethics of a medical professional.I don't involve my mysterious existence into my professional life and but if I'm being honest,my job helps me a little to keep close watch on Jimin's body,so don't worry.I'm really not harmful",I said.

I could see the initial wariness in those soft brown eyes of Jungkook slowly fade away and he glance next to me.

It took me a minute to understand that puppy eyes shinning with tears.

"Yeah Jimin is here and he said he didn't mean to scare you",I said as I smiled to Jimin,who stood next to me,looking at the younger guy apologetically.

Jungkook stared a Jimin,which obviously a black space in his eyes,but a soft smile soon tugged on his lips.

"I miss you",Jungkook chocked past his impending tears.

"Sorry guggkie",I said instead of Jimin, smiling sadly at the youngest among us.

"If you are really sorry wake up soon and buy me food as compensation,hyung",Jungkook said smiling,there was a sadness behind that smile,but...


To be honest,my heart melted seeing him smile like that.

Sad bunny smile.

Enough of fangirling!.

But I literally living the life of wattpat Y/N's life,which is dream of millions of ARMYs.BTS maknae line is practically in my house,what kind of sick twisted wattpat fanfiction my life had become?.

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