Peace with you and me - 52

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Aruvi's pov

There would come the times you will end up facing in life.The times which would open up lot of things buried deep inside the sheets of every smile and kind gestures you have pulled to keep up living in this cruel world.

A cruel world which would do anything in return but good.

Such situations would lead you to the very place where you will be questioned and confronted by yourself for the damage you did to yourself.

Some of us kill ourselves and see ourselves bleed every single day to make it through and keep on going with life.

If I must comment on it, I would say it's a weight humanity has to carry for their sinning.

We,without a clue, change slowly and subtly.Just in the end without our own realization, we already would have become someone else, who you can no more recognize.

This might seem very normal thing to happen for a human being, a species cursed to sin and redem towards infinity, until the higher being's anger on the humanity vanishes and takes pity on poor creatures.

But, it's totally a different story,when you didn't totally belong to human world or any other worlds at that.

An another line of species, which goes beyond all the creations of the higher being.A being doesn't belong anywhere,that has to redeem the sin committed by the start of humanity.

A being solely a home for most purest light or most deadliest darkness?

Children of dark and light.

The result was,infact much different in this case.

You become a threat, a walking time bomb of troubles and would end up hunted down once you consumed with evil completely.

That's what more or less fated to happen to me.

Because,the heaviness of life broke the me inside and I let myself get destroyed as I tried to survive. I destroyed my soul and let the thin layer between the dark and light inside me mixing up to give birth to a new being inside of my own body and mind.


I used to wonder. who's fault is this?

But I know in reality,It's no one's fault.

Not the people hurt me.

Not my family.

Not Shakti.

Not even me.

While I say the people involved had no fault, but why did I blame everything thing on her?

On Ira?

While I tried to find closure, I forgot to be kind to myself. But she in return tried to protect me from getting wholly consumed with evil by putting herself in line first to get destroyed.

Either way I would have hunted down, but she slowed the whole process and protected the light in me.

If it weren't for Ira controlling her self from consumed with darkness and denied becoming the puppet of evil to save me,I would have died even before I could meet Jimin.

For humans, Angel are the most loving and protector of life, a part of the higher being himself gifted to protect them, but it's not same for people like me. We though have light of the higher being, we still products of sin, that making us related to Satan himself.

A fallen angel, that makes us one too. In short even a kindest and softest Angels wouldn't think twice to burn our souls if we consumed wholly with dark and evil.

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