My love - 51

356 37 34

3rd person's pov

Jimin walked following the tri color threads attached to his wrist that suppose to lead him to his fate.

For every step he took towards the darker part of the tea bush flower field, his heart was oddly calm and seren contrast to the dark and gloomy clouds with ambience resembling blood around him.

Even in the dark and dull atmosphere, the tri color strings of his fate glowed ethereally.

He knows, though how much he has on mind and ahead of him, he was going to win. Even if it mean he has to stand against the whole world.

Because he was determined to save Aruvi and their fate as together, forever.

After passing bushes after bushes by walking through the narrow paths, he finally reach and walked into a meadow.

The meadow,where a silhouette of woman with long,dark hair resembling a raven stood facing away from him.

Jimin strongly felt there was a familiarity to the figure and safety of it's presence.

His doubts soon answered when he saw his tri colour strings of fate was ending at the wrist of the woman who's back facing him.

"Aruvi... ", Jimin mumbled to himself, but he knows this is not his Aruvi,at least not her whole, but either way it was his Aruvi in a way.

And deep down his heart aches at the thoughts and truths of this form's birth. The lonely being with all emotions born in pain and left alone in pain all along, just to save her counterpart, his Aruvi from being destroyed in her own hands.

" Ira... ", Jimin called to which the figure clauded in black turned towards him, taking his breath away.

Jimin felt like,his heart beat in his throat.

The exact copy of Aruvi, that was standing before him made his world crash and crumble,also made things fall into places and oddly reassuring. It was his Aruvi, except it wasn't Aruvi.

This woman have every features Aruvi do, but those vibrant eyes holding whole universe's light of Aruvi's eyes were replaced with abyss of death and darkness in this woman.

Her eyes was filled with the black pupil with just the outline of white peeking.

Her skin was pale as snow, her lips red like blood itself and the black scales adorning bother her cheek bones and forehead, what should have made Jimin fear her.

But no.

He felt sad.

Because his thoughts weren't how deadly Ira looked at that moment,but thoughts of how much pain Aruvi must have went through to Ira born and suffer like this.

Though Ira has her own mind and thoughts, she was still part of his Aruvi. The woman he loves regardless of what their future and this world holds for them. If he loves her bright and loving part, he still ready to embrace her this dark and deadly part.

From the beginning to till now, Aruvi infact didn't do something to deserve such tragedy and to be treated as a ticking time bomb.

Jimin couldn't explain what he was feeling when his eyes meet Ira's black voids. He felt immense of pain and heaviness in the bottom his heart.

He didn't know when, but he was already walking towards Ira who was watching his every step without uttering a single word or movement.

Her eyes we're cold and intimidating, but her gaze was soft and fragile.

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