"So why are you cursing?"

"Ermm Yoora win."

"Yoora who?"

"Yoora. Park Yoora."

Baekhyun nodded in understanding while his brother is seriously so close to hitting his head virtually. He didn't know his brother is this dense. Baekbeom however was patiently waiting for his reaction.

Which he got five minutes later.


Baekbeom sighed. He knew after all that Baekhyun won't let you slide unless you clear things up for him just to make him understand everything that he had missed. Baekbeom didn't leave any details though (that's how caring he is), causing Baekhyun to shriek now and then.

But then what did make him shriek louder was a fact that his brother is indeed like his friends who love to take money from others from a single dare (a new side of him Baekhyun has found out just now).


"Shush! My ears hurt just now, I think I'm deaf."

The little brother rolled his eyes at his complaining older sibling.

"Damn you, it's true!"


"Our fathers the only one left who doesn't know us, huh?"

"Yep. Strange how we thought everything is gonna go messy and stuff", Baekhyun said before munching up the sweet brownie Chanyeol baked before he came over. The giant nodded at the statement.

The couple were in the living room and was discussing how their older siblings made such puny bet on them that made the two laugh. Since it's been done, what else can they do at the moment? Though, Baekhyun's eyes bulged upon hearing how much his older brother owe Noona. Chanyeol was also as shocked as he was when he discovered it was a rather huge sum.

And since Baekhyun made yet another unexpected visit to Chanyeol's loft, the host didn't know what to do with his guest. But then he scooted over and took the small male from his seat, carrying him and landing him carefully on his lap. Baekhyun didn't bulge nor did he protest on what his boyfriend did. He was relatively getting the hang of it so it wasn't anything to be worrying about.

Plus he is one hell of a bold person.

"What do you wanna do?"

Baekhyun asked Chanyeol who was laying his forehead on his right shoulder. He didn't exert too much force on it which Baekhyun was thankful for (he is quite the person with an attitude but Chanyeol didn't care).

"Dunno... Work?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at that.

"I've got a boring boyfriend."

Hearing that statement, Chanyeol felt his heart dropped. Hurt on his face was unfailing to see, and so he dug up on Baekhyun's shoulder and muttered a small sorry. Hearing that broken voice, the other lover couldn't help but chuckle at his now hurt soul mate with just the word 'boring'.

Ahh so cute!

"Well, you are boring... Boring enough to make someone's life interesting."

"I didn't quite understand?"

"Welp, you're stuck with me so you gotta know just how weird thoughts pops in my head. Anyway, let's play pranks on people tomorrow."

"Baek, we're not kids anymore and let Jongdae do that for you... I just want cuddles", Chanyeol quietly said the last part which made Baekhyun shook his head at the person's adorable attitude.

"Nuh-uh! This is an adult version of pranks, babe!" Baekhyun exclaimed, full of energy and eyes glittering, hungry for excitement and action.

"If you say so?"

Chanyeol wasn't sure of his statement, so how can he be so sure about his boyfriend's plans?



I made that meme above >:]
Oh and sorry for being late again :( THO we are almost there to our goal which is 1k and I'm excited to know this is my first book that had gotten that so many read 😭😭😭

BUT LETS NOT PUT MY HOPES UP and just enjoy! Oh! Things are going down down now baby 😎

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