• Chapter twenty seven •

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Warning: This chapter is sensitive and may make you feel uncomfortable.

I quietly followed behind the woman with the two guards behind me. Something about their presence made me uncomfortable. We stopped in this big empty hall. "Wait here." She said turning around. I watched as she walked off in the opposite direction.

Wait here for what?

I jumped when I heard one of the guards pull a chair a across the floor. The other man suddenly grabbed my arm. "L..let go!" I exclaimed. I began pulling my arm but he threw me on the chair. As I was about to stand up but they grabbed my wrist and began wrapping a rope around them, tying my wrists. I continued to struggle until they were done.

They were about to grab my ankles but I kicked him in the chest causing him to fall back. I immediately regretted it because the look on his face made me want to run and i couldn't! He suddenly got back up and held my collar. I moved my head to the side, waiting for the impact.

"Leave it."

A familiar voice said from behind. He scoffed before letting go off me. I tilted my head to the side to see who it was. I couldn't see them yet, all I heard was her heels clicking against the floor.

"That was quite impressive." She said coming into the light. My eyes widened in disbelief


"It was you the entire time!" I exclaimed.

She let out a laugh. "You look so pathetic right now, do you know that?" She said walking up to me. "Vulnerable, scared, weak." She said as ran her finger up my jaw and tilted my head up.

"Pregnant." She finished. A smirk appeared on her lips. I clenched my jaw. " I wonder how yoongi will react when he finds out he lost his baby." She said looking down at my stomach.

I felt my heart sink as I listened to her. "L..lost?" I repeated.

"Hmm." She said studying me.

"H..he'll kill you!" I told her.

"Then I'll have to kill you first." She sang. She looked up at the guards them back at me.

"But I wanna have some fun first. You know, wait for him to realise Roman wasn't the one who took you." She let out another laugh. "The money i'd pay to see the look on his face when that dumb driver told him you weren't abducted by Roman's men."

She stepped back and placed her hand under her chin. "I'm still clueless about what he found in you?" She scoffed. "Was the sex really that good?" She laughed.

"Hmm, speaking of sex, it reminded me of how good he fucked me while you were gone. Oh, I mean taken by Roman." She said with a fake pout.

"Oh,, yoongi. Yes, hmmm, right there." She began moaning.

"You're disgusting!" I spat. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"It's the same story." She Said stepping on my feet. I let out a cry when her heel crushed my toes. "I was yoongi's but I fucked Roman too."

"You whore!" I yelled.

She suddenly slapped me across my face. My head flew to the side as my whole right cheek began stinging.

"Tu, tut. Don't swear at me." She warned. She suddenly grabbed my face and made me face her before slapping me again. A small cry left my lips.

"Y..you're just hitting me because you're jealous." I said causing her to pause.

"Jealous!?" She laughed.

"Because you'll never have what yoongi and I have. You're jealous because I'm different. You're jealous because he chose me!" I yelled.

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