•Chapter twenty•

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•Sae-Mi's PoV•

I gasped as I shot up from the bed- like couch I was on. My eyes immediately roamed my surroundings. I was alone in this gigantic seating room. I couldn't lie. Everything was so beautifully made, I couldn't help but admire it all for a second.

I swung my legs over the couch and sat up straight. I winced as my head was still spinning. Whatever chemical they used to put me out was strong. My eyes suddenly widened as I was brought back to reality. Where was I? Who's house was this?  The other thing that surprised me was that I wasn't surrounded by guards. Didn't my kidnapper fear of me running away?

My eyes darted to the hall that lead to where I was when I heard shoes clicking against the marble. My eyes squinted when a tall figure in black came in view. Who was this man? 

"Hello, beautiful."

His voice was deep and rich with a faint Russian accent. It's sounded familiar. My eyes widened when he came closer. My, he was gorgeous. His dark brown hair was gelled back with a few strands falling on his forehead. His eyes matched his hair, chocolate brown and his fair skin with a tint of pink at his cheeks. He looked expensive, he looked familiar. Something about his facial feature reminded me of someone but I couldn't remember who.

He suddenly let out a deep chuckle

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He suddenly let out a deep chuckle. "Like what you see?" He said as he walked even closer to where I sat. I folded my lips into my mouth. I wasn't checking him out. I was admiring his beauty. It was since I met yoongi I've made encounters with such Greek gods. Literally everyone looked as if they were Gods favourite. Not to mention their mansions.

"H..have we met?" I asked him. My voice came out much quieter than I had expected. A small smirk stretched on his lips. "No, we haven't. Why? Do I sound familiar?" He asked. It was as if he had read my mind. I slowly nodded. "I knew you were listening that day. We could've met then but you were hiding." He trailed off. My brows furrowed. Met then? My eyed suddenly widened.

"You were the man arguing with Boki!" I blurted out.

"Hmm." He hummed in response. "Why am I here?" I said standing up from the couch. Now I was only a few steps away from him. "Why did you take me? Yoongi will-"

He suddenly took two large steps towards me and grabbed my arm. I closed my eyes when he yanked me towards him.

"He'll what?" He growled. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I was shocked at his sudden mood change when I announced Yoongi's name. I whimpered when his grip tightened on my wrist. He suddenly leaned down to my ear. I tried moving away from him but it was useless as he pulled me straight back.

"He made a mistake by leaving you alone." He mumbled against my ear. My lips quivered as my wrist began to feel numb.

"Because now you're mine."

He began placing kisses down the side of my neck. My lips folded in disgust. I placed my free hand on his chest and tried pushing him off.  "S..stop" I chocked out. His other hand suddenly wrapped around the nape of my neck, holding me still. A whimper left my lips as his kisses became rough. I suddenly raised my foot and kicked him in the knee. He let out a grunt in response and loosened his grip on me. I took the opportunity and slipped out of his grasp. I didn't know where to go, so I began to run towards the way he came from. As I was about to reach some sort of door he grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me back.

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