• Chapter three •

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Yoongi's PoV •

"How much are they asking for?"

I lit my cigarette and looked over at Lee-Rang for a reply.

Lee-Rang had been my personal assistant for the past ten years. He was the only one I trusted.

"65 million, sir." He replied.

Fucking Russians.

I let out a sigh as I took the cigarette from between my lips.

"If you don't pay, they'll take her." He continued.

I clenched my jaw.

"How much do they know?" I growled.

I clenched my fist, crushing the cigarette in my hand.

"Not enough." He said taking out another cigarette for me. I held my hand up signalling for him to pause.

"If they want the money, they'll have to come and take it." I looked over at him.

"You know what to do." I said raising a brow at him. He immediately nodded. I watched as he gave me a bow and got in the car behind me.
1 hour later.

"It's very unlike you to prepare a whole fucking meeting." He chuckled. I looked up at him, a smirk appearing on my lips.

"Did you want me to envelope you 65 million dollars, Roman?" I sarcastically asked.

He smirked at me. I watched as he pulled out his gun from his back pocket and placed it on the table in front of us. I raised my brow at him.

"I've actually come here to compromise." He said leaning back in the chair.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I will forget about the 65 million dollars." He said pulling out a cigarette. I watched as he brought it to his lips.

"If you give me your girl." He said flicking the cigarette at me.

"You're asking for a death wish." I growled.

"You and I both know you can't kill me" he proudly reminded me.

I clenched my jaw.

He let out a deep chuckle.

"We could always share. When I'm done with her I'll pass her over to you. I mean, that's what brother do, right?"

I suddenly grabbed him by the collar.

"Don't provoke me, Roman."

He grabbed onto my arm as he struggled under my hold.

"You'll n..never have her." He chocked out.

"And even if you do.." He continued. He let out a maniacal laugh in between.

"She'll be my dirty leftover."

I tightened my grip on his collar and pulled him across the table. I threw a punch at his face causing him to stumble back. Before he could fall, I grabbed him by the throat and threw another punch.
I watched as his head flew back.

He let out a chuckle mixed with a groan of pain.

This bastard.

He turned his head to the side and spat out blood onto the floor. Grabbing my arm he yanked it off of him and stepped back.

I clenched my jaw as I watched him straighten himself up.

"Fuck." He groaned wiping the blood from his mouth.

He looked up at me, a smile appearing on his lips.

I reached behind and pulled out my gun from my belt. I pressed it against his head and cocked it.

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