• Chapter twelve •

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• sae-mi's PoV • (-warning- long chapter)

I didn't feel like waking up. I wanted to stay locked away in my dreams, away from reality. After yesterday, I wasn't sure how I was going to face him. I knew sooner or later we'll have to meet. Besides, it was all my fault. I was the one who provoked him, but all I wanted were explanations... Which I didn't get.

I pulled the heavy duet over my body and crawled out of the huge bed. I sighed knowing that Boki probably knew I told him everything. I disobeyed her and now she probably hates me.

I didn't feel like showering so I just changed into a random outfit. It was the most casual out of all the fancy clothes he had chosen for me. Having breakfast meant leaving my room. The total opposite of what I wanted to do. I decided to skip breakfast and do something in the room. It was huge so I could practically explore it.

My eyes darted to the huge curtains. I walked over to them and pulled them apart. A small smile appeared on my face when I saw the view. I guess this room was at the back of the mansion so I had a view of the backyard. It was basically a huge field with an enormous fountain in the middle. The fountain was a beautiful statue of a naked woman. She was holding a vase and the water was pouring out of it. I could almost hear the water as it fell from the vase and hit the marble base it had.

"I want to go outside." I mumbled to myself. I pressed my finger against the cold glass of the window. If he's going to keep me here then I'm going to be able to roam the mansion. "I'm going." I told myself, before turning around and walking to the door.

I opened my door and headed straight to the stairs without giving the guard a second glance. He was the same one from yesterday. I walked past the kitchen and headed straight to the backyard. No one stopped me so I guess I was allowed.

A smile appeared on my lips as I inhaled the fresh air. My eyes roamed the area until they landed on the fountain. I took my time to walk to it. Once I reached it my eyes widened. It was even more beautiful up close. It had so much detail. I was as if it was stolen straight from the Renaissance.
I sat down on the grass in front of it and dipped my fingers in the water. The weather was lovely so the water was warm.

"It was my halmeoniui." (Grandma's)

Yoongi said from behind me. I paused then slowly nodded. "It's beautiful." I whispered.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said softly. I heard the grass crunch as he began walking closer to me. "Princess?" He called out but I didn't look up at him. I stared down at my fingers floating in the water. "Look at me." He ordered. I slowly raised my head and looked up at him. Since I was sitting on the grass, his tall figure towered over me.

"You need to eat." He said glancing down me at. I shook my head and looked down at the water again. "I'm not hungry." I told him. "Princess, come eat your food." He said again but this time it sounded more like an order. "Are you going to force me to eat too?" I asked him quietly.

"Leave me alone, please." I whispered.

• Unknown PoV•

"Any new information?" I asked.

"Her name is Kim sae-mi, she is 21 and her parents died when she was 19. She was currently living with her older cousin and worked at a small milk bubble tea shop. That was all I could find out." He explained.

"That's enough. If you find out anymore then inform me almost immediately, I want as much as information I can get about her."

"Yes, I will keep you informed."

I cut the call. I wanted to know everything about her and most importantly why he wanted her so bad. What was so special about her that he had to keep her locked up? Why was he so afraid of losing her?

A smirk appeared on my lips.

"I think I've found your weakness..."

• Sae-mi's PoV •

After I told him to leave me alone he actually did. I wasn't sure if he was even here. I ended up staying in the backyard for another hour before heading back inside. Boki fed me some lunch and turned out that she doesn't hate me. In fact she said she would've done the same thing if she were in my position. I was expecting him to see me eat lunch so he knows I ate but he never showed up. After the beautiful lunch Boki had prepared for me I had a shower and now I was back in my room.

"I need to find things to do." I mumbled to myself as I laid back on the bed. I was thinking about going through all the new clothes I apparently had but I chose to leave that for another time. I didn't have a peaceful sleep last night so I decided to take a small nap.

I pulled the heavy duvet over myself. The bed was so warm and comfortable, that I instantly fell asleep.

My eyes shot open as my body flinched to a sound of a glass breaking. I immediately sat up on the bed. My eyes darted to the window. I left the curtains open so the dark night was exposed. "How long did I sleep for?" I whispered to myself. I suddenly remembered the noise that caused me to wake up. I got out of bed and walked to my door.

When I opened my door I was greeted by Hyeon. A small smile appeared on my lips. "What time is it?" I asked him. "2:24am ma'am" he replied causing me to widen my eyes. I slept through the whole day?

I gave him a small nod and was about to walk down the hallway when he stopped me. I furrowed my brows at him. "Ma'am, you should...you should go back to your room. We'll have your food sent to you." He told me.

I gently pushed him hand away. "That's okay. Besides, I heard something break." I said looking up at him. He seemed reluctant at first but moved back. I gave him a smile and carried on walking. When I reached the stairs I heard another class break. I flinched and grabbed onto the side of the wall.

Someone could be hurt! I quickly ran down the stairs but made sure I didn't fall and walked to the only place that had light. It was night so half the lights were off. I pressed my hand against the half open door and slowly pushed it more open. My eyes widened when I took a glimpse at what was inside. It was this huge bar. As if he had his own club in his mansion. There were shelves of different alcohols, some I didn't even know the name off.

I was about to walk in when I looked down at the floor. There was spilt alcohol and broken glass pieces scattered all over. I turned my head and looked over at the huge couch in the corner of the room. He was sitting on the edge with his elbows resting on his knees. He had another half empty glass in his hand.

I looked down at the floor again and jumped over the tiny glass pieces. "Yoongi." I called out quietly as I walked up to him. He didn't look up at me but took his last sip of his drink.

"Stop drinking, it's late." I told him. I leaned down and tried to take the glass out of his hand but he pulled away. I sighed and leaned away. Why didn't any of the guards stop him? He suddenly stood up and walked over to the bar in front of us. When I saw him grab the alcohol bottle I walked up to him.

"No, stop" I said taking it from his hand. I placed it on the counter in front of me and looked up at him. "Leave." He mumbled and grabbed another bottle. This one I didn't take. "Let me help you out so you don't hurt yourself, there is glass all over." I told him.

He looked down at me. His eyes were blood red. My eyes flickered down to his shirt. The first few buttons were undone and his shirt was untucked.

"How about I bend you over and fuck you till you pass out." He growled. My eyes widened as I looked up at him speechless. He suddenly placed his hands on either side of the counter trapping me against it.

"All you have to do is say yes." He mumbled as he leaned down. His smell was a combination of alcohol and his Cologne. He grabbed a bunch of my hair and pushed my face closer to his.

"You smell so sweet.." He said sniffing my neck. My lips parted as I felt his teeth drag down the side of my neck.

"I wonder if you taste the same.." He whispered huskily.

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