• Chapter twenty five •

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My brows furrowed when my mouth became sour again. I opened my eyes and looked over at yoongi. He looked like he was in deep sleep. He looked relaxed, I felt jealous. I slowly sat up and pulled the covers off me. I turned around and made sure he was still asleep before getting up.

"Where are you going?"

My eyes widened and I paused. His morning voice was deep and raspy. I never knew something like a morning voice could be found that attractive.

I turned around to him. He had turned his face so his cheek was resting against my pillow, as he looked at me. "Are you still feeling sick?" He said getting up on his elbows.

"N..no!" I exclaimed, holding my hand out. I didn't want him to get out of bed. "I..i just needed to pee." I lied. He looked at me for a second before nodding. I gave him a half smile before rushing into the bathroom.

When I walked in, I shut the door behind me and went to the sink. I ran the tap so he couldn't hear me if I vomited. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. My head felt like I had banged it against the wall numerous times, and my body was feeling weaker than normal.

After two minutes of calming myself down, I shut the tap and opened the door. As I was about to pull the door handle, it was opened from the other side. I immediately let go of the handle and looked up at him.

"When was your last period?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I..i can't remember." I confessed. My eyes widened when I realised what he was referring to.

"B..but I can't be. My periods have always been irregular." I told him.

"And what if you are?" He said stepping closer to me.

I ran my hands over my face. "Why didn't you use protection!?"

He suddenly shut the door behind him causing me to flinch. "I don't fuck with rubber, princess." He said in a low tone.

"I need to take a test." I whispered.

"Hmm." He said leaning down to my ear. My eyes flickered shut when I felt him kiss behind my ear. "Or.." He mumbled. He suddenly grabbed my hips and hoisted me up on the sink behind me.

"I can just fuck you again." He whispered. Before I could give any kind of response he pressed his lips against mine. I felt his hand grab my thigh and pull me forwards while his other hand began unbuttoning my shirt. Before he could finish, I quickly grabbed his hand and disconnected his lips.

"I might throw up in your mouth." I said, hoping he'll feel disgusted and move away.

"I don't care." He said and leaned in again but I hopped of the sink. "We can't." I said looking up at him. I watched as he furrowed his brows.

"I wanted to fuck you in the shower." He said causally. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. People have sex in the shower!? Is there even a limit to sex!?

"L.later." I told him.

"Later?" He repeated with a smirk. My eyes widened as I realised what I had just said. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as my face heated up in embarrassment.

"You're taking me to buy a test?" I asked. He turned his head and nodded. "You rather go with someone else?" He asked. I instantly shook my head. "No, it's not that. I just thought you probably had something more important to do."

"More important?" He repeated. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "There's nothing more important than you." He said looking down at me. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Get in the car." He said, opening the door. I nodded and got in.

At the mini store •

"Your man is a mafia leader and you chose this?" He said as we walked into the mini store. I tried to hide my blush when he said your man. Something about it made my heart flutter. A small smile appeared on my face as i looked up at him.

"Don't be mean. It's not that bad." I said walking to a random aisle. I heard him follow behind. "Do you want to separate?" I asked. It would save more time if we did because we didn't know where anything was.

He raised his brow at me. "You want to leave me?" He asked in a low tone. I gave him a blank look. "You're so dramatic." I whispered, walking past him. I heard him scoff behind me. "Whisper behind my back again and see what happens." He said grabbing hold of my hand. He suddenly pulled me closer. My brows furrowed. Why was he holding me so tightly all of a sudden?

I looked up to see one of the staff staring at me weirdly. "I don't like this place." He mumbled. "We'll be out soon." I told him. I turned my head and saw a aisle for pregnancy. I let go off his hand and speed walked to it. I heard him call my name but I waved my hand at him. I'll grab it and go straight back.

When I reached the aisle a woman approached me. "Hello, miss. Are you looking for a pregnancy test?" She asked. She was short and cute. I looked down at her collar then back at her.

"Hmm." I nodded. "Well, we have some that give accurate results. Would you like to have a look?" She asked. I looked back at yoongi. He was standing where I left him. I looked back at her and nodded. "Sure."

She smiled and lead the way. Thank God, she was walking at a fast paste. She took me past few aisle then suddenly stopped.

"Oh, uh.. They're in the storage room. Wait here, I'll go get a few. It'll be quick." I hesitated but then nodded. I watched as she speed walked around a aisle then disappeared. I'll give her a minute. If she's not back, I'll just get a normal test.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I patiently waited for her. I guessed I had been here for about two minutes so I decided to leave it. As I was about to turn around, something hard and cold collided with the back of my head. My eyes widened and I immediately reached for the back of my head. I stumbled forwards as my head began spinning. A wet liquid suddenly covered my hand and I brought it to my face. I gasped when I saw blood, and before I could turn around everything went black.

Unknown PoV •

"Don't call me unless-"

"Boss, we've got her!" They exclaimed. My eyes widened and a smirk appeared on my lips.

"After all, you weren't as useless as I thought you'd be."

"Yes, thank you." They replied.

"Hmm. You know where to take her?"


"Good. Don't touch her."

"Don't worry, boss-"

I cut the call and slid my phone into my pocket.

This is going to be fun....


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