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Cover: I absolutely LOVE this cover, it is so pleasing to the eye. I wouldn't change anything except making the writing bolder as the writing is quite hard to see at the moment. This would be my only change!

Blurb: Minor changes in this category. The structure is lovely and it tells me everything I need to know about the story!! I have never in my life seen a blurb so enticing, everything about it makes me want to read. I would change maybe two words in the whole thing, it is honestly so good. Like REALLY REALLY REALLY good. I actually can't express how GOOD it is. I have read it over like ten times and wow... JUST AMAZING!!


All standing on the edge of once upon a time, I see. Well, tell me, my reader, what'd you like to read? A boy and a girl meeting out of extraordinary circumstances and being all smitten with one another? A supportive best friend with her own demons to fight? Maybe you'd like some action. How about a crumbling dystopian society with an unwanted uprising where downtrodden slaves protest for their basic rights? What if our teenage characters have a role in it too? Perhaps you'd like some inner conflict? Some morally grey characters? Some mischief, some trouble, some joy, some struggle? 

But wait. Maybe, all you want, is a story. No how-s and but-s and if-s and what-s but just, a savory story. A story about you, me, every teenager, struggling to discover oneself, struggling with identity issues. Something different, but relatable.

Well, I'll certainly give you that, and a lot more. I'll give you a bastard daughter of a traitor, I'll give you half-a-slave, I'll give you a strong girl with identity issues, I'll give you a war, a revolt for justice, desperation for survival, even more desperation for acceptance, everything. So, I'm not just a writer, you see. I'm once upon a time. I'm your infamous dead whose story whispers through creeks and grooves of history. Would you take my hand, and come with me?


Standing on the edge of once upon a time, I see. Well, tell me, my reader, what do you like to read?

A boy and a girl meeting out of extraordinary circumstances and being all smitten with one another? 

A supportive best friend with her own demons to fight?

Maybe you'd like some action. How about a crumbling dystopian society with an unwanted uprising where downtrodden slaves protest for their basic rights? What if our teenage characters have a role in it too?

Perhaps you'd like some inner conflict? Some morally grey characters? Some mischief, some trouble, some joy, some struggle?

But wait. Maybe, all you want, is a story. No hows and buts and ifs and maybes but just, a savory story. A story about you, me, every teenager; struggling to discover oneself; struggling with identity issues. 

Something different, but relatable.

Well, I'll certainly give you that, and a lot more.

I'll give you a bastard daughter of a traitor.

I'll give you half a slave.

I'll give you a strong girl with identity issues.

I'll give you a war, a revolt for justice, desperation for survival, even more desperation for acceptance.


So, I'm not just a writer, you see. I'm once upon a time. I'm your infamous dead whose story whispers through creeks and grooves of history. Would you take my hand, and come with me?

Originality: This honestly sounds like such an amazing book. From the moment I read the blurb I knew it was going to be good. Wow, you are so talented.

Flow: Lol, can I just say... I was so confused when I started reading. I thought that YOU were apologizing to someone in real life, not the books. Like an Author's note. Oops, my bad. Anyways, once we got that out of the way:

The flow of your book is really good. Although there isn't too much to judge, the story is really interesting. You have great grammar and usage of words and your structure is *chefs kiss*

There are a few grammar mistakes, but barely any. In the first chapter, you say 'I am so so sorry'. This should have a comma: 'I am so, so sorry'. It is more for effect, to show that the person is pausing to express their sorrow.

Other than this, there is not much to talk about. Your paragraphing is great as well-might I add.

Chapter size: The chapters start on 2 minutes, then go down to a few seconds, and then to ten minutes. There are only 3 chapters so I can't exactly judge consistency here. HOWEVER, I would usually tell people that their chapter should be about 8+ minutes OR short for the desired effect. Yours works so amazingly, and the short chapters at the start are really interesting. You can see the intention that was made here. Well done!

Basics: It still amazes me how well structured this story is. It is like a personal story, but like we share the same one. It is so weird but I love it. It is something NEW! Well done and keep up the good work!! <3

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