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1,2,3,9,11,12 - the chapters you suggested I read. 

Cover: I LITERALLY HAVE NO WORDS, OH MY GOODNESS THIS COVER IS AMAZING!! The person who made this is incredibly talented, I don't know if it was you, but the cover is absolutely beautiful. The fonts work perfectly with the photo, and it looks extremely professional. There is nothing to say about it, the cover is magnificent!! The only thing that could be changed is the words at the bottom. They are slightly out of line, but this is me trying REALLY hard to find anything that is wrong. Also, the name at the top is quite hard to see because of the darkness, but honestly, I wouldn't even change anything besides that, this cover is amazing!!

Blurb: Very interesting. I will admit that your book isn't something I would choose off the shelf (not because of any reason other than I prefer to read romance-driven books), however, it is very striking. The blurb intrigues me, and I want to find out what happens!! There could be minimal changes, just some missing grammar at some points, but I wouldn't change anything majorly word-wise. I will put my altered version: just some capitalization, grammar, and moving some words around slightly, but as I stated previously, nothing major.


It was not a question of if blood would be spilt; it was a question of when.

In a strange turn of events, Darin Alaris found himself the leader of a peculiar band of travelers: His young apprentice, a brooding warrior, and an elven pariah. He rarely traveled with others, but in this case, he enjoyed it as a long-term arrangement as days turned into weeks. Yet Amaredeia was still healing its war-ravaged wounds, and the cries of rebellion and anguish were rising again.

For years dragonkind and humankind had been at war, alternating between short-lived truces and all out warfare. In this age, however, humankind had subdued the proud dragonkind and turned them into slaves. Brands seared into their arms with the mark of a weeping dragon; the symbol of their defeat.

Darin vehemently hated the mistreatment of the dragonkind, and when a branded runaway boy crossed his path, he made him his apprentice to protect him. Something had to be done as pleading eyes gazed up at him; silver masked by brown. Could he really continue to deny the calls of his apprentice's people? He was only one man, but fate knew of the storm yet to come.

May Ordephus save them all.

ADAPTATIONSIt was not a question of if blood would be spilled; it was a question of when. In a strange turn of events, Darin Alaris finds himself the leader of a peculiar band of travelers: a young apprentice, a brooding warrior, and an elven pariah. He rarely traveled with others, but in this case, he enjoyed it as a long-term arrangement-days turning into weeks. Yet Amaredeia was still healing its war-ravaged wounds, and the cries of rebellion and anguish were arising once more.

For years dragons and humans had been at war, alternating between short-lived truces, and all-out warfare. In this age, however, mankind had subdued the proud dragonkind, turning them into slaves. Brands seared into their arms with the mark of a weeping dragon; the symbol of their defeat.

Darin vehemently hated the mistreatment of the dragonkind, and, when a branded runaway boy crosses his path, he makes him into an apprentice for his personal protection. Something had to be done as pleading eyes gazed up at him; silver masked by brown. Could he really continue to deny the calls of his apprentice's people? He was only one man, but fate knew of the storm yet to come.

May Ordephus save them all.

Originality: As I said earlier, I would normally not reading anything like this. The closest I have read to something like this is Percy Jackson lol. That is why I cannot give you an accurate reading of how original this story is. I will however state my enjoyment levels. I think that this book appears very original to me, and proves for a very lovely read!! I haven't ever seen anything like this before!! The book is organized so well, the name, the chapters... wow.

Flow: As I will state down below in the next category, the paragraphing is quite large for Wattpad. I think that the easiest way to help break it down would to be put the speech on its own individual lines. Definitely don't have two people speaking on the same line, it gets very confusing. Also, try to separate your paragraphs with new subjects. Say someone is focusing on a building, but then start thinking about what they are having for dinner that night, you would make that a separate paragraph. 

The book is very interesting to read, and your descriptive ability is incredible. Even in the first chapter, I felt as though I have been brought into a new world. Your book requires the reader to learn many more things that aren't daily things we would hear, so your capability to tell us what these things are is amazing.

Your grammar usage is great, there is a wide use of semi-colons, dashes, and colons. This is great, very professional again. Additionally, your word usage is great, with a wide range of vocabulary. Some words, I even had to look up, which created an interesting read. Just makes sure that words aren't really hard to understand, so much so the reader has to have a dictionary by them 24/7. 

Usually- in this section- I would help people with sentence organization, but yours doesn't need it at all. Your sentence structure is great, and there is a wide range of sentence starters, so that it keeps for an interesting read. I don't get bored reading in other words. Again, the descriptive ability is perfection!! Keep it up.

Chapter size: For me, the chapters are a perfect size. The chapter size relates closely to that of a professional book that you would find in a bookstore. I think the paragraphs would be a perfect size for a professional book, but I can['t help feeling that they are a bit long on Wattpad? I am on my laptop reading, and the paragraphs are a lengthy size, which would suggest that they are extremely long on a phone. For Wattpad, I would suggest breaking them down slightly, just to make for an easier read. This is completely up to you, and the book would be perfectly fine easier way, but I know a lot of people would prefer them to be broken down slightly.

Basics: Can I just say that that drawing in the first chapter is AMAZING?! Wow, so talented. Honestly, if someone told me that this book was professional, and being sold worldwide- I wouldn't disagree. I loved reading it!! I decided that I would only read the first 3 chapters, as I got very invested, I didn't want to spoil anymore. I have added the book to my library and am going to read it completely!! I would never read something like this usually, but you have wholly convinced me!! There is nothing much to say, the plotline is amazing; the structure is terrific; your descriptive capabilities are out of this world. Anyone who sees this goes read the book right now, it is so good. Also, sorry for using !! so much, I am just excited ahha.

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