Bakudeku wedding pt 1 (chapter 86)

Start from the beginning

"What? What do you mean. Where's mom? What happened to her?" Asked Lily. I shook my head.

"Oh nothing. Never mind. I saw a scary movie last night and tried to recreate that one part." I said Lily nods. She laughs.

"I thought you were saying you killed mom. That'd be a different story. I mean it's ok cuz it's a movie clip. What movie was it? It seems nice and scary" said Lily. I shook my head .

"I-I don't remember. Let's say I did kill mom. How'd you feel about it? Would you be mad?" I asked looking serious to her. I then smiled and continued doing her eyeliner.

"Well uh.... you should have thought about it before you did. Cuz Inko can't pay off the bills all on her own. And if you're leaving soon who will help pay? I can't find a job. Shiggy is trying to get another job other than delivery." Said Lily. I laughed.

"Don't worry I'll pay off the house before I leave so you'll only pay for food, electricity and your phones bills or whatever" I said Smiling. Lily looked at me worried.

"Y/n. Lily hurry up! We're going to be late" yelled Toga all happily. I smiled and looked down. Lily then ran out the bathroom but waited.

"Are you coming?" She asked. I nodded.

"Go on ahead. I'll go in a bit" I said. Lily then ran off. This whole time for everything I've kept the bandages on but now I have it off I feel fine. When I stood up I felt pain on my head. I fell to the floor holding my head from the pain I felt. I groaned because it hurt so much. I began crying from the pain. I managed to stand up. I looked in the mirror and saw myself in a wedding dress full of blood. That image soon disappeared because what I saw was my mother standing behind me. Knife in her hands. She looked exactly how I killed her. Sliced throat with blood all over her. Roses growing out her body. Broken face.

"Well well sweet child of mine. How do you feel seeing me once again?" Said Grace as she disappeared. My eyes were widened. I was shaking in fear of that night. And very old memories/dream like reality I created for myself as a coping mechanism were also shown. Everyone I cared for slaughtered in one big room. All by my hands. I gasped falling to the floor. I quickly got up and ran downstairs with Everyone. Deku and Lily and Toga looked worried. Toga walked up to me and pulled me aside as everyone else got in the car outside.

"Hey are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost." Said Toga. I nodded.

"Y..yeah I'm fine. Let's just go" I said. The whole day we laughed and had fun. At the skating place we skated and fell many times. Toga, Jirou, Lily and I were hot on a few times. It was funny however. Nerezza and Marcel took care of Maria awhile also playing games at the arcade.

"That was hella fun" said Jirou. Toga agreed. Mina came back with Deku and some waters.

"Hey where is y/n?" Asked Lily. I rolled up to them all.

"Sorry in was struggling with something. I'm back! What'd you need?" I asked. Lily shook her head.

"Oh nothing just didn't see you" she said. Toga and Mina and Jirou pulled me out to the center and we began seeing who can make up a full dance recital in 2 minutes. Toga and Mina joined together but kept falling. Jirou and Deku were the judge's. I teamed up with Lily. Toga and Mina both won. I skated to the snack stand to get some more snacks for us all. A few guys walked up and started cat calling Lily and I.

"Hey cuties. How you doing?" Asked a guy with dirty blonde hair. Lily rolled her eyes.

"How are you doing today baby? You into younger guys?" Another one asked.

"Stop harassing my younger sister please. She has no time for boyfriends or any of you. And no. I'm into older guys. I already have a beautiful family consisting my husband and 3 year old daughter" I said grabbing the snacks and leaving with Lily. The same guy skated in front of me to stop me from leaving .

"Sooo your a MILF? What's you name baby?" He asked again. Lily punched the guy in the face.

"Her name is fuck off dick head. Next time you try harassing my sister and I, I won't hesitate to send you to E.R" said Lily to the guys. I laughed. We skated back to everyone. Lily told them all what happened. It was quite funny. The rest of the day we did the things he had to do. It was around 8 pm now? Touya stayed at Bakugos and Deku's house while Deku and the girls stayed at my house for the wedding tomorrow. We all got in the hot tub and then just relaxed. Around 10:30 I shut off the lights.

"Why did you turn off the lights?" Asked Lily. I laughed.

"Well.... tomorrow is the wedding and we need a good nights rest! I have 4 guests bedrooms. Toga, Jirou you both can take the ones off to the left of Nerezzas room, and Mina, Lily you both back have the ones next to Nerezzas on the right. Deku you can have my room. An" Deku cut me off.

"Where will you sleep?" He asked. I smiled.

"I- don't worry! I have a spot! I can have a sleepover with Nerezza and Maria tonight!" I said Smiling. Nerezza giggled.

"Mommy I think we'd break my bed. Where will Marcel sleep then?" She asked. I gasped and looked hurt.

"How dare you Nerezza. Are you suggesting I'm that heavy!" I said acting hurt. Nerezza laughed and hugged me.

"No no! Just it'll be too much weight for my small bed!" She said. I messed up her hair.

"I'm kidding. Go on to bed now ok! And guys I'm fine. Plus I have a room I can sleep in. So seriously don't worry!" I said. Deku looked at me.

"We can share your room y/n. Plus it is your room and bed!" Deku said. I nodded.

"Alright fine. Now you kids go up and go to bed! I'll just clean up here and head up! Before I do does anyone want something from the store? It for breakfast for tomorrow and last minute things" I said. They all asked for something. Around 11 I had just finished cleaning when Lily walked down the stairs in her PJS looking at me.

"You look tired and sick. Are you ok?" She said walking closer. I nodded.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine... I just... I've messed my period 3 weeks ago and I've felt super sick lately like headaches and stuff." I said. Lily laughed.

"Have you considered maybe your pregnant?" She said. I shook my head.

"No I couldn't. The doctor I had watch over me during the last incident said it would be important to have kids again and that this injury I got from that fight too caused a lot of problems for any kids I could have. And I'm on plan b. And we've been careful too" I said. Lily laughed.

"Ok sure. Whatever you want to believe. And go to bed. Please?" Lily asked pleading. I smiled.

"I will. And what's up with that guy at the rollerblade thing we were at today? You kept sneaking off and talking to him!" I said. Deku then sat down next to us.

"Is he your boyfriend? Cuz If so damn you move on fast after a whole 3 year's with that ex of yours" said Deku. I laughed.

"I know like damn. I know I dated jake an old old friend of mine for like 3 years as well and it took a long time to get over him. But I mean I was a hoe during UA sooooooo" I said shrugging and laughing.

"Well.... thing is... with my ex I basically dated him because I was bored. It so happens he cheated a month in and a week after I found out I got with his best friend Jean! So Jean and I have been dating for 3 years now. We've known eachother since middle school and stuff." Said Lily. I looked at Deku and Deku looked at me.

"Invite him to be your date for tomorrow!! I want to know my sisters boyfriend!" Said Deku. I nodded.

"Yes Lily! Come on!!! He has to get to know the whole family! And I want to question him! Because bitch you know damn well I ain't letting Deku and Bakugo go on their honeymoon the next day. We need to Celebrate just the Family. Like him and Bakugo, Toga, Shoto, shiggy, me, and you! And ofc the kids!" I said as Deku nodded. Lily laughed.

"Ok now let's all go to sleep please!" She said. We all then got up and went to bed

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