Snapped (chapter 10)

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"HAAAAH???? WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Yelled Bakugo raising his hand about to slap me.

"Bakugo stop!" Yelled Denki as he pushed me out the way and getting hit by Bakugos explosion. When I got up and turned Denki was protected from one of my shadow realm Monsters. It soon disappeared. Mina quickly checked if Denki was alright. I got up and ran towards Denki and min and Bakugo.

"Watch it nerd!" Yelling Bakugo. I know he cared just didn't want to show it.

"You ok Denki? You didn't get hurt right?" I asked looking at Denki. He nodded. Mina was mad at Bakugo.

"Mina don't. It was my fault in the first place. Bakugo say sorry!" I said. He looked at me.

"It was your fault you bitch" he yelled back. I looked at him and I slapped him harder than ever. He held his face.

"Look. I am warning you alright! They are your friends and you don't treat your friends like shit! Sooner or later they will leave you and they will want nothing to do with you and you will regret that! Don't say I'm wrong! You will the guilt of treating them like shit and you will feel sorry once they're gone. I know they know you more than I do but in these past 2 and a half months I know a lot about you. Soon they will get tired of you. I know you care just don't show it. And speak like that to me again and see what happens. I am not afraid of you or your stupid quirk ok? Try exploding me all you want you will never hurt me." I yelled at him. I was yelling pretty loud that I caused a crowd. Bakugo seemed mad and shocked I said all that. Mina had been shocked as well as Denki. No one really stood up to Bakugo like I just did. They all were afraid of talking like I just did. I grabbed my bags and started to walk away. Bakugo grabbed my bags abs my arm and stopped me.

"Where are you going? I'm not finished talking to you Y/-" yelled Bakugo at me. I grabbed my bags back and pulled my arms from Bakugo.

"Don't touch me. Remember where you stand. You should be happy people even like you. And that's not a compliment." I yelled back at him. He was even more angry.

"Oh where I stand? Really now? What happened to not being apart of the family anymore. What I know is that you aren't wanted from your own family. Forced to live is a crappy house. Your family left you to the streets while they're all high and mighty. I have the pleasure of living in a comfortable home while you have to live with your mother who is forcing you to do things for her own gain. Tell me. No tell everyone who you really are. Not this fake person you're trying to be. Hiding your flaws on your body. Face it. You're ashamed of yourself! Tell everyone how you need to sle-" I cut him off. I slapped him harder than before where his face was blood red. I was angry at this point. Everyone had been recording. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"You really make me sick you know Bakugo.... to think I liked you..." I scoffed and continued.

"Using everything I trusted you with against me. YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT MY FATHER DOESN'T WANT ME AROUND!!! BOTH MY REAL AND FAKE FATHERS! NOT ONCE HAS ANYONE CAREF FOR ME! YOU HAVE THE PLEASURE OF HAVING A WONDERFUL FAMILY THAT DOESN'T USE EACHOTHER OR THEIR KIDS TO GAIN MONEY! HIDING SECRETS! MY MOTHER MAY BE RUDE AND MAY HIT ME WITH WHATEVER SHE CAN WITH BUT THATS TO STOP ME FROM BECOMING THE MONSTER I DON'T WANT TO BECOME! AND YES!! TIMES ARE HARD NOW BECAUSE MY USESLESS FATHER AND FAKE FATHER DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO MY MOTHER AND I. SO IF I HAVE TO SLEEP AROUND AND SELL MY BODY FOR SOME CASH TO PAY BILLS AND THE TUTION FOR UA THEN I WILL. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER MY BODY! AND YES I HATE MYSELF FOR EVERYTHING AND MY BURNS AND CUTS BUT I AM GALD I HAVE THEM BECAUSE THEY SHOW ME I AM REAL AND NOT A HALLUCINATION!" I yelled at Bakugo with tears flowing down my face at a rapid speed. He stood there not saying a word just staring down at me. Mina and Denki caught up with us and both said nothing. Mina had the look of apology with worried and why I didn't mention anything to her. Yes I was ashamed of myself but that didn't matter as long as I payed the bills and had a meal to eat every now and then. Denki stepped closer wanting to hug me but I stepped back. Everything was blurry from the tears. I dropped my bags and ran into through the crowd that formed and ran out the mall. I ran as far as I can and then I created the pegasus once again and rode it to the mountains and feilds. I soon rode it to an abandoned town. I landed on top of a building and sat on the ledge crying.

(Bakugos POV)

After hearing everything y/n said I stood there not able to say a word. Mina and Denki both looked at me with angry. Great you really did it now Bakugo. I asked Mina if she knew where y/n would run to and she said she was saying nothing. I really fucked it up this time. I tried running after y/n and I couldn't find her. I went back home trying to contact her she wouldn't answer. Maybe I'll just try tomorrow.

(Your POV)

I sat there crying for a few hours. It had became dark. I decided to go back home. First I walked through the streets where there hand been vendors. I bought some fruit and meat with the last few dollars I had. I bumped into someone and when I did I felt dizzy. Soon I woke up in a alleyway. There stood a woman in front of me. She stabbed me in the leg with something. I smiled and laughed.

"Gonna kill me? If so do it now and tell my mother and sister I was just too tired." I said looking down at the thing that had been stabbed in me. Ok the woman responded.

"No. I'm not gonna kill you I'm just using your blood. Let me guess. A hero never came to save You? Been there. Why don't you join me? We can rule the world together. We need more people like you. Shig would like you." She said. I smiled and laughed. Someone? Liking me? Yeah right. I shook my head.

"I can't. I'd do it but unfortunately I have to save my family. Nothing I can do about that" I said. I slipped her my number before she left. She seemed nice for someone who stabbed me for my blood. Someone about the woman seemed comforting. I stood up and started walking home.

When I got home mother threw a shoe at me because I was late. It had been around 2 am when I got home. Mina appeared out the corner with Denki and Sero. Sero had been at the mall with his family hearing everything. My mother continued to yell at me about everything Mina and the boys told her. Then when I looked up she had been crying. She ran to me and hugged me. She never knew I had been selling my body for some cash. I hadn't told her ether because I know it's hard on her. Yeah she gets payed by the school and for being a pro hero but it's not enough to pay the bills and food and the dormitory bills and school lunch. Not to mention training me and all the hospital bills for me when I pass out or something serious. When I "sell" my body it's not really how you think it is. When I mean is like... actually yeah it is like that. However I don't actually sleep with them. I Sometimes sell my body but it's for work. I'm hired help or a maid or a cleaner. That's what I mean. Sometimes I do actually sell my body but it's for nude art. After my mother cried to me about it she told me to go upstairs to my room and hang out with my friends. I did.

We reached my room and I saw 3 bags. I'm guessing the 3 are staying the night or the new few nights. I walked to my closet and grabbed some clothes from it and walked to the corner of my room and changed behind a changing foldable curtain. I ran to my bed and jumped on and rolled to the side and looked up at the ceiling. Sero and Denki did the same while Mina started changing. We played music and danced around the room for a few hours having fun. We laughed and laughed until it hurt to laugh.

"I'm having so much fun!" Said Denki. Mina agreed to him.

"I didn't know you have a big bed" said sero. I nodded. I sighed and opened the balcony door. Sero got out a bag from his bag and it was something green. He started to roll it and walked out and he light it. He took a hit of it and asked if I wanted to try. I tried it then I coughed a lot. Mina had took a hit and she blew it out. Denki did too and started making jokes. We kept it up until it was finished. We felt nothing at first until 30 minutes later.

We had been on my bed and then we started laughing at everything. I laughed at sero saying he's a nock off gorilla tape. We laughed at everything for an hour. Soon the 4 of us fell asleep. I feel asleep on Mina's stomach and Sero fell asleep on the rug on the floor. Denki fell asleep on my lap.


Okay but the last part was pretty wholesome🥺

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