Grandparents (chapter 56)

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Toga and I went home. We told Inko, and my mother we'd come back around 5-6 and celebrate Easter with them but we're meeting. (Y'all I accidentally deleted everything so if it doesn't make sense I'm sorry)

At 2 Shoto came around and picked us up. Toga and I had brought some stuff. I brought some noodle salad and toga brought Deviled eggs and cookies. When we got there was saw endeavor grilling.

"Hey what are you doing here y/n?" Asked Endeavor.

"Oh what? I can't just randomly show up and annoy you like Hawks and I do every day?" I asked.

"No... this is my house! Hey Toga! Everyone go inside! Have fun" he said. Shoto looked at him weirdly. Toga just told Shoto to ignore it. Fuyumi opened the door and brought us to the kitchen to put down the food.

"You didn't have to bring anything!!! We have plenty of enough food!" She said. I smiled.

"It's Fine Fuyumi! And we didn't want to show up empty handed!" Asked Toga. Soon a lady walked in with white hair. I'm assuming her mother?

"Hey Fuyumi- oh I'm sorry. Have I met you both? Oh sorry! I'm Reki!" Asked Fuyumis mother.

"Mom this is y/n I told you about! The one who was dating Touya and saved him while he was a villain and this is Toga! My girlfriend!" Said Shoto. Reki smiled.

"You're those Villains who took down the LOV? Well hero's disguised as villains? Oh wait.. I'm sorry for assuming!" Asked Reki. Toga smiled.

"Account I'm or was a villain. Y/n however was forced while also being a Hero. Wayyy before the mission and she remembered your son and I and she practically saved us... well me. Your son Touya really didn't want help... and I'm sorry for him even tho I shouldn't be apologizing... he was a nice person and still was even as a villain just... some things changed a lot. I think he's trying to find himself first" said Toga. Reki smiled. She pulled us outside so we could talk more. We mostly talked about Touya because she wanted to know more about him. We talked for 2 hours just the 3 of us.

"Oh wow.... Touya has changed a lot" said Reki with small tears. Fuyumi walked outside with Natsuo and Shoto carrying the food. Fuyumi sat next to her mother. Shoto sat next to Toga and I. Natsuo sat beside Fuyumi. Endeavor sat at the end of the table. We all began eating. After eating we all made jokes and talked. It was nice. I was kinda taken back at how everyone seemed to be having fun. It was around 4 pm now. It was almost time Toga and I had to leave.

"It was Lovely to meet you both!" Said Reki. Toga and I smiled. I looked at Toga nervously. She nodded and so did Shoto.

"Can I announce something first? See I- well it's for the 2 of you to know. Everyone here already knows...." I said playing with my hands.

"What is it?" Asked Reki. Endeavor looked at me weirdly.

"Does this have to deal with you taking time off of hero duty?" Asked Endeavor. I nodded. I pulled out a small box and handed it to Reki and Endeavor.

"Go ahead and Open It" I said. Fuyumi looked at me.

"Wait now? You're telling them now?" She asked. I nodded. Reki opened the box and saw a white thin paper. She pulled it out and looked at it. It was a paper of my ultrasound. She looked at me and started crying!

"I'm gonna be a grandma? Omg congratulations!!!" She yelled getting up to hug me. She seemed so happy. Endeavor looked at the ultrasound paper thing and looked at me.

"You're pregnant? What?" He asked. I nodded.

"How many months?" Asked Reki.

"5 months now. I still haven't told my family ether however I thought I should let you both know first" I said. They smiled. We spent another 30 minutes talking until toga and I and Shoto went home.

At the house waited Inko, Lily, Mr. Awaiza, Deku, Bakugo, Matsuki, Bakugo's father, and Present Mic. They were all talking and laughing. I didn't know if I should tell them or not but I know I have to. Maybe I'll just keep it a secret for now. I'll probably only tell Lily. We all hung out and ate. Just another 2 months and my house would be finished. It was amazing how things can happen so fast. I pulled Lily to my room so I could talk to her.

"What's wrong y/n?" She asked. I handed her the pictures of the ultrasound.

"I'm pregnant and it's a girl... but you can't tell mom or anyone!!! Please!" I plead!! She looked at me and hugged me.

"Omg! I'm going to be an aunt? Does Deku know? Does anyone else know?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yes almost all my friends, Touyas family, besides our family, and Touya.. the father" I said. She nodded.

"Ok I promise to not tell! If you train me!!! I need to learn how to fight!! Before I start UA! Please!" Asked Lily. I laughed.

"Ok ok I promise! I'm moving out in 2 months anyways and I'll live behind the house that part away! I realize we didn't own that land where I started building my house so I bought it! Soon I'll talk to mom about the whole ordeal. Because it'll be quite expensive for her and Inko and you to live here in this big expensive house. Deku is moving with Bakugo to their apartment or house. Toga and Shoto found a place too near Her bakery cafè and his parents house." I said. She agreed. She soon left my room and I started to get changed so I can sleep. In the morning I got up and changed into a big shirt Touya forgot last time. I found out Deku also never got rid of the stuff. I walked downstairs to talk to my mother and Inko.

"Morning y/n" said Mother.

"Hey mom, Inko. Can we talk? So you know how I'm planning something big? Well I'm moving out because I built my house and I bought that land but Deku is moving in with Bakugo, toga and Shoto are moving in together in a house. And this place is extremely expensive so maybe I can help you both find a place to move into? With 3 rooms or so! Wait... I still own a house with 3 rooms! You guys can buy it and move into there! It'll be near all of us as well. And it's closer to UA for Lily!" I said. We talked about it and now everyone is moving.

The Kingdom of Nightmares (Dabi x Reader/Y/n)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें