Trust (chapter 33)

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I knew Mr. Awaiza told me not to do anything with the LOV unless I was hired to do something about it. But I couldn't snap out of it. I was Focused on my friends and saving them.

"Take me to AFO.... I'm sure he'll love the sight of me..." I said. The villain was confused. I rolled my eyes and tied my wrist with a piece of rope and handed it to the villain. He was still confused. He took me to the base ether way. I took of the rope and sat on the chair with my feet on the table. Toga walked in. I smiled and hugged her. She didn't remember me. Oh right.... I showed her the friendship bracelets we made and she finally remembered me. Dabi walked in and I kissed him. He shoved me off and burned my arm a bit. I laughed. I probably seemed like a psychopath. It makes sense. I mean if him pushing me off because I did brake his heart. He was yelling at me but I said his name and he was surprised. I showed the amulet and he looked sad. Before we could talk Shiggy and AFO walked in. Shiggy was throwing a tantrum about who was I and why was I there. I laughed.

"Hello Father... look I'm not here to stop you, I am here for a deal. Keep away from my friends, my family. That means keep away from Izuku, Inko, Lily, Bakugo, Mina, Denki and sero. Especially Mother understand? I'll do whatever you want whenever but if you go anywhere from 50 feet of them so help me I will no hesitate to slice that head of yours clean off." I said standing in front of AFO face. He laughed.

"How'd you find out Y/n? I doubt Your mother would tell you. Care to explain? And how can we trust you?" He said. I crossed my arms.

"You father... in trusted me with this Nightmare quirk when I was born. Since then I've randomly picked up other quirks over the years. Such as Calmness and Dark web and Dark angle. We killed the hero's all together. With me by your side the entire time. Poor mother died in my arms because you killed her forcing me to join in my past life. But when I was reborn in this body and life again I found out you did it out of love. You were never there for me growing up. So I trusted you with my life and I'm glad I did and now I have a second chance to run the world with LOV the right way while still having mother and my friends in my life. You all opened up my eyes to the world. All hero's want is money. They don't care about what happens to us. They think we're the villains but they're the ones who ruined this world. Time to make it right again. I forgive you for whatever you did to me in the past life. So will you let me join? Here's the UA schedule." I said handing it to Shiggy. Toga and Dabi were surprised to see how much I changed. I laughed. This was all an act however it was needed. AFO laughed. Did didn't think I was serious.

"If I killed you and hurt you wouldn't you want revenge?" He asked. Shiggy asked if they could trust me.

"You're right Shiggy. I could be a spy for all you know. However I am not. I'm doing this for my own gaining. I'm planning to taking back the Castle from my evil step brother and the king. I don't care much about the castle but I know my family would be better living in there. So I'll crash the ceremony and expose my stepbrother and the king. He tried killing me after all. Many times in my sleep. I am currently being watched by many who have a grudge on the king. So there's a few out for my head. Might as well hand it over to others I know who will use it for the greater good." I said. It wasn't all lies. There are people after me. However I'm not sure what exactly I could do to own the castle again. I may have an idea but it may not work. I left with AFO and Shiggy to discuss if I should join or not. They agreed I could join. I'll be directly under Shiggy and I was ok with that. AFO asked me a thousand questions and ran tests on me. I hated what I had to do so they could trust me. All the pain and suffering. I didn't get back home until 1 am. I flew through my balcony door and my mother had been sitting in my bed waiting. I sighed.

"Y/n Where have you been? Inko was notified that Deku was staying at Bakugos. They said you left after dinner. Where did you go? Dinner ended at 8 and it's been 5 hours." Asked my Mother who was mad. I looked down. She'd get me in trouble if she knew. But I had to tell her.

"Before you get even madder let me explain! Some kids encountered a villain and the villain took me to the LOV. He worked for my Father. I had to make up something so I wouldn't get killed again! I told them how I wanted to join them because I admired what they're doing and I want to help make the world a better place and that place has no hero's involved. They managed to buy the story and again. I would have joined just to save Dabi and Toga mother. You may say they're villains but they're not! Trust me! Please! Hero's are supposed to to protect and defend against villains right? Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga are not villains. They're people who were wronged. They need to be saved. I am that person who can save them! Because I know they're hurting inside. I know how shiggy feels. I lived through what he went through as a kid! So if I die trying to save them it's because I care. Please don't be like Awaiza mother.... you'll only get hurt if I died. Please mother.... I love Dabi and Toga. So I will die saving them...." I said crying because I thought my mother wouldn't understand. She hugged me and smiled.

"Everything will be fine y/n... just keep going and never turn back" said my mother. I woke up once again. Another dream? What's happening? However this time I woke up in my apartment. I didn't have my amulet and everything of Dabi's have been gone. Was this the morning after the fight? I don't really remember what I did in the next 3 months... however I worked on my agency. My mother was still dead. Even if it was a dream I'm glad I got to spend time with her. I know she'd be glad I was working on saving people like she and I always imagined. I got up and changed and went to a mission with Deku and Denki's agency. It was a tough time.

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