Letters (chapter 21)

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Deku woke up and checked if I was ok. I had been smiling the whole time I woke up. I looked at him and laughed. They were all creeped out.

"Let's kill this shitty messed up family" I said smirking at Deku. His eyes lit up with sparkles. He knew the old y/n was back. he was happy I was back to my old self. He smiled and then hugged me. Bakugo smiled at me and grinned. He missed messing with me. Mina hugged me still confused but happy I wasn't all gloomy. Dabi and Toga had left in the portal. Mr. Awaiza walked up with the 3 other hero's.

"What's this about killing and messed up family? And why'd you interfere with what happened? You should know better y/n" said Mr Awaiza obviously mad at me. He had every right to be mad. I could have gotten taken away again or hurt badly. I got up.

"I know and I'm sorry. But please let me train harder. Don't hold back on training with me. Please." I begged. He smiled. He agreed he'd put more pressure on me. Hawks walked up to me.

"What was that? You sang something and it was creepy. I don't remember much but you were falling almost hitting the ground then you didn't. I wasn't able to move." He asked. I smiled softly. Everyone wanted to know.

"A little something I picked up from my mother years ago. It just hit me." I said. Mr. Awaiza looked at me and his eyes widened. He pulled me away.

"How did you know that song? You know the Royal family's have many people out for them. You may not live in the castle anymore but there is still people watching you. That song is a famous song for assassins. They sing that to scare the people they're after. Causing them to lower their Guard. I know your mother had been apart of something dangerous like that long ago but why would she teach it to her daughter...." he said. I was shocked. Had my mother had a different life while still in the Castle? I shrugged. I walked away and walked back to the changing rooms still thinking about what Mr. Awaiza told me. The whole day I thought about what he meant. After school we had the ceremony. Mr. Awaiza took me to the castle. I wore one of the gowns I used to wear. And a hair Clip Mother gave me at age 4.

We walked to the garden and saw her grave. It was a beautiful one. It had her favorite flowers surrounding it. Lily walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged her as well. Ruby invited us for lunch. We accepted. We talked about what I will do next. After the castle Mr. Awaiza took me to a storage unit where my Mothers and I stuff has been stored. He then gave me a a different key. Inko and Deku walked up behind him. He announced that with the money Mother had left me he bought a house with 4 rooms. It was ready to move in. I thanked him. The rest for the day Inko, Bakugo, Bakugos mother, Deku and I spent unpacking. Inko let me have the master bedroom. The master bed room had a walk in closet and a big bath, shower and toilet. I put in my bed and decorated my room. Earlier Awaiza left me a letter that my mother had written. It included another key. I hung all my clothes and dresses and my mothers clothes she had gaven me. I opened the letter and read it.

"Dear Y/n. This is my will. I leave all my money to you and things. You can decide to get rid of them or keep them. If you're reading this it means I have passed. I leave everything to you. I hope you do well. I need you to know some some things. I have never fully told you who your family is. I'm guessing you partly know. Your Father is in fact AFO. Your half brother is Deku. I've told Inko to watch over you if anything ever happened to me. I know she'll keep her words. However along the paths you pass in life you will always doubt some things. You'll make some wrong choices here and there but never lose your hope or your way. I'll always be here for you to lead you home. Oh right. I almost forgot. If you want to know more about your ancestors please Use this key to open the box I hid under my bed with Sakes on it. Take care y/n." I read the letter and began crying. I grabbed the box with Snakes on it and opened it. In it it had 10 letters and many other things. I opened a letter and read it.

After 2-3 hours it seemed like my mother's mother was an assassin. A very famous one in fact. Their last names had been "Hernandez". So that's where my mother got that last name. My Grandmother had been apart that big association years back it seemed. It had been an attack on the Royal family. Which she was apart of. She tried to distroy the castle to kill the one with this so called royal quirk. I was just a baby when the attack happened. My mother was queen then. She thought me everything her own mother thought her. Play fire against fire. My grandmother had tired killing me because the Royal quirk I have now is deadly. It had been a curse that someone placed on the family. This cure quirk was placed on the family that I'm the reason the Castle is under attack by many.

In the last letter it talked about taking down AFO and ways I can figure out my ancestors. My mother had explained it'd be best if I went to look for my grandmother. She explained my Grandmother taught her the song. It was a song used by the assassins or anyone who had the Royal quirk. It lead others around the person who sang it to die from fear. It included many other details what my grandmother taught my mother. I noticed a music box and i opened it to find a ring and the song started playing. I passed out and then woke up. The song had been playing still. I was in my black dress. It was covered in blood and ripped. I was in the castle. Bodies everywhere. The same dream? I kept hearing the song. I walked to where the sound was coming from. I was in the middle of the room with Lilly bleeding out, Inko, Deku, Bakugo, Mina, Toga, Dabi, Mother all dead on the floor. I saw myself rocking back in forth holding a baby girl. I had blood on my face and hands. I looked up and saw myself. I laughed at my own presence.

"This... this is all you. You did all this with your hatred and anger. Murdered your family, friends. This is your own doing. Mother was right... she should have left you to die years ago. This is only the truth y/n." I said to myself. I began singing and rocking the baby. I wanted to throw up. Had I really been the reason for all this?

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