New Life (chapter 4)

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I looked at both of the men with watery eyes. I ran to them and hugged them. I used to train with them to learn how to use my quirk. In the end they taught me how not to lose control. I still need training tho. To my surprise Awaiza hugged me back. He was the one to never show emotions. And Present Mic was happy to see me too. I pulled away from the hug and looked at me mom

"Well I just talked to principal Nezu and he agreed to let Y/n into the school. She needs to learn how to use her quirk and understand it. She nearly died 20 times these past 2 months and has no clue of anything" said my mother. I looked at the 2 men I know half my life and they looked at me. I shook my head

"Well I'd love to help her with it then" said Present Mic. Mr Awaiza agreed. I was soon given books and my uniform and my schedule of the school. I was completely shocked on how fast everything was moving. I became a second year this year. It was the first month of school so I was the new to everything. After talking for a few hours I made it home to my new home with my mother.

We made it home and saw everything of mine in my room had came over here. Half of my clothes, dress's and a few Accessories. I walked into my room and decorated it how I had wanted. I was so excited about my new life. But soon my mother told me the school has dorms. Yet again I had to go pack and get things ready. My mother had Mr. Awaiza show me and help me because he's my new teacher. I was excited.


When we reached the dorms I dropped all my bags and suitcases I had in my arms. When Awaiza opened the door i dropped everything on the floor and fell on the floor out of breath. I noticed some people walking up. I rolled my head and eyes back and saw people looking down at me. I quickly got up and looked at them. They looked confused. All of them had been staring at my Flaws. At this point all my sweat had gotten rid of my foundation on my cuts and scars and burns so it makes sense. I quickly tried to hide them with my arms. Mr. Awaiza noticed and gave me his sweater. Under my breathe I thanked him. Everyone had been looking at him and I.

"Everyone this is your new classmate! She is new here so please show her some respect and show her around tomorrow. Let's se-" right before Awaiza was able to finish his sentence a short kid who seemed 2 feet tall cut him off.

"Hey I'm Mienta! You're cut-" he was also cut off by Awaiza's long scarf. I stood still still embarrassed of my flaws.

"As I was saying. This is Y/n. Your now classmate. Mina and Jirou please help her get comfortable and show her around tomorrow! You 3 will be excused!"

"Ummm Mr. Awaiza tomorrow is Saturday...." said the girl with Pink Skin and hair. I'm guessing that was Mina. The continued talking until I noticed someone in the back with red and white hair. He looked like someone I've seen. So Mr. Awaiza left and I was left alone. They all introduced themselves. Besides 10 of them.

"So I'm Mina! That's Jirou! That's Deku with green hair" he looked nice. I can tell by his emotions and look in his eyes. They all introduced themselves along side their quirks, besides the last 2. The rest of the class all seemed nice. I'm sure the other 3 are too.

"That's Todoroki! With the red and white hair" said a girl with long black hair as well.

"Hey! I'm Shoto Todoroki! Number one shit's son" I looked at him with serious eyes and remembered that I have to show emotions in the real world. I laughed at the thought of endeavor being beaten. I apologized for laughing and he said it was fine. Still he reminded me of that one kid form years back but I don't know who.

"And this is my best friend Bakugo!" Said a guy with Red spiky hair. Kirishima I think? I looked at the guy who's name is Bakugo. I couldn't read him. I could have sworn my quirk allows me to read someone yet I can't really understand him.

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