Touyas sibilings (chapter 42)

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Another hour later and only Toga, Shoto and I were in the store. We closed up due to having no more pastries to sell. I was tired. I laid on the booth seats. Shoto was sitting down laughing at me. Toga brought us water and tea. I sat up.

"This is the first time I felt this tired. I have not once felt this tired since- last night.... never mind... anyways so now you have 3 workers to help you!" I said. She smiled.

"No. Sato and I decided to work together! He is a pro hero but he also wants a bakery. So we decided to work together! On his free days he'd work the day! He's going to show me some of his pastries tomorrow morning!" She said drinking her tea. I smiled.

"Yeah that's perfect. He's always wanted a bakery but being a hero... I'm honestly so tired. Hey Toga, Shoto?"

"Hm? What Y/n?" Asked Shoto. Toga looked at me.

"So since it was a good day today tomorrow can we perhaps throw a little party with my old classmates from UA? I'll pay for it all since you still need to get payed. Just a last minute get together!" I asked. Togas eyes lit up.

"Yeah go for it! I want to actually meet all your friends!!! That'd be nice!" She said. I smiled so did Shoto.

"Hey Toga I hope you don't mind but I invited my siblings so we could hangout for a bit." Said Shoto. He must really like her if he's bringing his siblings. Toga already met one of them and I'm dating one of them. She got up and ran to the back to bake some bread. I smiled.

"Shoto why don't you just ask her out if you like her! You've liked her for years haven't you? I mean she likes you too. Didn't hear it from me but she likes you and her favorite color is pink. So I'd ask her out. However brake her heart and you're dead. Burnt like a chicken nugget, that was caught in a web who was empaled by a demon." I said. He looked scared. I smiled. We talked for another hour soon A girl and a boy walked in. Shoto got up and greeted them.

"Fuyumi, Natsuo! This is my friend Y/n" he said. I greeted them. I smiled because I was meeting Touyas siblings for the first time. He would probably never let me meet his family. I was nervous.

"Hi I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you both!" I said smiling. They greeted me. They sat down.

"Is this your bakery Y/n?" Asked Natsuo. I shook my head.

"No it's actually Togas! Shotos and I's friend! Toga they're here!" I said. Toga came running out the back. She was also wearing a black shirt like mine but not Lacy and it showed her chest and shoulders. She also wore black jeans. She had icing and flour on her face.

"Hey sorry I look a mess. I was just icing some cinnamon rolls." She said. She laughed nervously. She wiped her face.

"Hello I'm Fuyumi and this is Natsuo! Shotos siblings. What a nice bakery cafè you have. So you're Toga right? We've heard quite a bit about you." Said Fuyumi smiling. Shoto kicked her leg softly so she'd stop. Toga blushed a bit.

"Oh What would you like? Some tea or a coffee perhaps?" She asked.

"Maybe a Tea?" Asked Fuyumi. Natsuo agreed. Toga left to make the tea. I went with her. She was freaking out with what to do because she was so nervous. I was too.

"Omg Y/n he brought his siblings! What do I do? We haven't even- i haven't ev-" she was freaking out.

"I know toga I know!!! Remember who I'm dating! What should we do! He'll be mad if he finds out.... goodbye legs... it was nice knowing you... thanks for allowing me to walk and run these past 17 years. I'll miss you." I said. Toga looked at me and laughed. I hit her hand.

"Stawwp I'm serious! You won't be able to sleep so this is your problem too!" I said. She stopped smiling. I helped her take the teas to the table. We also took the plate of cinnamon rolls.

"Here you go! Your teas and Cinnamon rolls" she said sitting down. I pulled up a chair. I had put on a black jean jacket Toga bought me last year. They thanked her.

"I'm so amazed how the 3 of you are still teenagers and have your own agency's and bakery! It takes years for most people. And thank you. The cinnamon roll is delicious" said Fuyumi. Toga nodded.

"Yeah. I work with one of my friends Mina. So we take times working. To be honest my mothers Agency she left it down to me however her sidekicks don't like me for some reason... but I work there as well so I have 2 agencies. And part time small job here. So I'm often quite busy. So what do you both do?" I asked.

"I'm going to collage to study to be a Doctor. It's going easy so far" said Natsuo. I smiled at that thought that I'm getting along with Touyas siblings.

"I'm an elementary school teacher. It's really close by here too. I know I probably shouldn't ask this but I wanna know if you have any part time jobs as well? Like Wensdays,Thursdays, Fridays and Sunday nights?" Asked Fuyumi. Toga nodded.

"Yeah sure! What department are you best at? Baking, taking orders, making tea or ringing people?" She asked with excitement. Shoto smiled at them both.

"Oh um. It doesn't matter really. Before I worked at a grocery store and worked Cashier then other small jobs. So it doesn't matter." Fuyumi said. Toga smiled.

"Then would you like some lessons on how to bake? I can show you right now! Natsuo do you want too as well? Come follow me!!" She said pulling their arms and running to the back. Shoto and I stood there. I was laughing.

"Damn Tou-" I said. I caught myself before I could say anything. I stood there with my eyes wide. Shoto looked at me.

"Did you say Touya?" He asked looking at me. I looked at him and laughed nervously.

"! I..I said Kuroo... boyfriends name... yeah. He would laugh at how Togas acting right now." I said. Shoto looked at me and then said we should follow them in the kitchen. We did. Fuyumi and Natsuo and Toga were all a laughing mess with flour on them. I decided to help bake. Shoto ended up cleaning the tables and everything. I was laughing with the others. They left the bakery around 10 pm. Shoto stayed to ask Toga out. She nearly passed out. She said yes however. We walked home. She was skipping while laughing with me.

Around the corner I saw Deku walking home. We ran to him then home. In the house Touya stood there angry. Deku walked to his room trying not to get between.

"What the fuck y/n and Toga? Didn't I tell you both to stay away from those people? They will hurt you and leave you dying in a ditch! They're the ones who will leave you heartbroken! I'm so pissed at you both!!!" Seriously what's gotten into you!" He yelled. Toga and I stopped smiling.

"Touya seriously stop yelling. You clearly told us but we don't need to listen to you! They're nice and fun to talk to. Did you even know that Fuyumi works as an elementary teacher? Natsuo is in college...!? They're good people from what I know from today. Toga wants a normal life where people will be nice to her. Fine her special someone. She loves Shoto and he does too. He asked her out. Let her live how she wants. Constantly every day you say something about them and you try to make sure we hardly do anything. We get you care but it's too much sometimes...." I said. Both toga and went to our rooms.

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