The hospital (chapter 52)

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I woke up at the house. However it wasn't Deku's, Mine and Togas. The room seemed the same of how it was decorated yet I walked around and the house was pretty big. 6 rooms or so. I walked to the kitchen and saw Inko and my mother. Inko had been crying on my Mother's shoulder hugging her. Inko saw me and hugged me tightly. I cried in her arms as well. After she pulled away my mother handed me a plate of food.

"Eat. You've lost a lot of weight and that's not healthy for you or -". She cut herself off the sentence. I looked at her.

"How? How long have I been out?" I asked. She looked down. Lily ran to me and hugged me and nearly knocked me down. She was happy yet crying.

"A month at least. When you fell asleep in my arms crying that day your body started to get covered in roses. However Deku and Toga told me about Your quirk Blossom but it didn't sprout any poisonous flowers or thorns. They grew out your body in some way. It healed your cuts and that blow you got from that fight you told me about. However you haven't ate anything since that so eat. You do have some fat on your stomach but you've Been 185 your whole life and now your 110. You're practically bones besides your stomach." Said Mother. I was shocked to hear this. I nodded and ate with Lily.

"So who's house is this? And what happened to the castle since it burned." I asked. Lily looked at me weirdly. So did Inko and my mother.

"Castle? What castle? There had never been a castle." Said my mother. I looked at the 3 of them.

"You're kidding right? Stop joking around mom seriously. There was Ruby, Rudy as kings, Mark as a step brother.... I had gotten burned an-" I was cut off and suddenly I was in a pinch black room. I threw up blood once again. I looked up to see myself. My other self.

"Don't worry you haven't left them. You're alive. Sorry to mess with you you're whole life. See it's time I tell you the truth.. your mother and father stayed together until you were 8. I created.. well you created an escape for yourself. A kingdom. You created this kingdom with your figment of imagination with Shadow realm. See Shadow Realm works much bigger than just monsters your create. It created this. The kingdom. Your body for years has been trying to wake you up and realize you've been living in a dream your whole life. You've always lived with Lily and your mother. No stepfather nor Ruby. You'd run away at nights to meet your friends. That was real. However you created all this as a coping mechanism with your Depression and Dissociative Identity Disorder. also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. With your constant mental attacks you'd disappear into your his world you created. Really it's fucked up. You could use this to your advantage to whatever you want and it's amazing. Whenever you talk about the castle and kingdom your friends and family play along. They all know your suffering from your identity disorder and depression. Even you yourself has been believing your own lies to the point where your body is now becoming aware and is waking you up to realize everything. It's time to wake up and realize what's been going on. And wherever you need help just come back to this second reality. And I'd see a doctor about your mental and physical health. Now please wake up" my older self said. I opened my eyes and my mother, Inko, and Lily looked at me as if they've seen a ghost.

"I'm sorry..... um... can you set me up an appointment with a therapist and my doctor? I think I'm gonna be sick..." I said running to the bathroom. Lily ran after me to see if I was ok. Mother called the hospital and she drove me over with Lily and Inko. I went to the room alone.

"Hello Y/n, I'm Nelly and I'll be your doctor. So what seems to be the problem?" Asked the Doctor. I was holding my stomach and a trash bin in case I was throwing up.

"Well.. my mother said I was in a months coma and was recently woken up today. However this happens a lot with my quirks so I'm fine with that. However it seems my quirks healed up an old wound for an old fight that was slowly killing me. However I think I'm still slowly dying and I've just felt nauseous a lot tho it's been like that for 3 years now with throwing up blood" I said. The doctor looked at me while writing things down.

"Ok so we'll have to run some tests. Is there anything your allergic to? Anything we should know about? Have you taken any medications in the past few weeks. Smoked or drank?" Asked the Doctor.

"Not allergic no. I don't take any medication or haven't in years besides Cough syrup. But that was 5 months ago. And no I haven't smoked or drank. And um I have identity disorder" I said. The doctor nodded.

"Ok. Thank you. A nurse will bring you a change of clothes and will show you were you'll take the tests. First we need blood samples and urine samples. So the nurse will be back." Said the doctor walking out. After a nurse came in and got some blood drawn out and then gave me a cup to pee in. After all this I changed and went to go do the tests. After 4 hours of tests I went to my hospital room and waited. Inko, Mom, Lily, Deku, Bakugo, Toga, Shoto, Mina, Denki, Sero, Fuyumi, and Natsuo came to my room.

"Hey you ok y/n?" Asked Mom. I nodded. I was visited by Mina, Denki, Sero, Bakugo, Deku and my Mother first. Soon after they all left. Mother stayed but went to the cafeteria with Lily. Inko went to work here at the hospital

"Hey silly! How are you? How's the hospital life?" Asked Toga laughing. I laughed.

"Yeah are you ok? What happened" asked Shoto. Fuyumi placed down a basket with fruits and a stuffed bear near all the other get well gifts.

"Oh shut up Toga. I can still use my quirks so I wouldn't say anything. And I'm fine Shoto. I've been here since 11 am. It's almost 5 pm... yeah it's boring. Like really boring." I said. Fuyumi smiled.

"So how are you holding up with um... your brake up with Touya still?" Asked Fuyumi. I smiled softly.

"I'm Getting used to it. It's funny actually. I was a dick to him the whole time when in reality he was doing it to save my mother for me... he was doing it to make me happy and there I was being rude to him the entire time... so if feeling like a bitch means pretty good then yeah. I'm pretty good. And I'm gonna work hard on my identity disorder so I heard I'll take time however I work on it so yeah I'm ok actually. I'm just glad I had people to watch over me when I was in my head for so many years" I said nearly crying. I had tears in my eyes as I spoke. Shoto and Natsuo didn't say anything for not really knowing what to say. Fuyumi hugged me tightly. I cried in her arms. The doctor walked in. So did Lily and my mother. They all walked out right after. The doctor gave me a stack of papers. He told me the medications I should be taking. I changed and left outside the hospital.

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